Warming sex toys

Any tips or products for warming up a dildo, my wife and i love our new friend king cock, but she says it feels cold inside not very life like.


First thing you need to do is to read on the product review and make sure it’s waterproof.
Then If it is then I would put it into hot water for about 5 minutes. Once you have removed the dildo from the water always do a patch test on your elbow. Skipping that stage could easily cause nasty burns and a trip to A&E.


I’ll usually place toys between my thighs or on my stomach and look for something to watch on my phone while I wait for it to warm up.


Have you tried sitting it in a bowl of warm water to heat up? That usually works a treat :blush:

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Yeh tried the thighs, well try the warm water next

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We have always placed in sink / bowl of hot water or run under hot tap and always warmed up nicely :star_struck:

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Immerse in a pre heated sous vide cooker set at 36 degrees centigrade. Cook for 5 minutes.
Serve with plenty of lube.

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Alternatively, set up a vivarium habitat for your favourite dildos to live in, complete with thermostatic heating. :sunglasses::sunny::cactus: