water infection

hi im after some advice.my other half has started getting water infections recently after we use a rabbit on her.we are not new to toys and have never had this problem before.we used to use anti-bac soap to clean the toys and that always worked fine but since she started getting uti's we decided to buy some LH toy cleaner but yet again shes got a uti and on antibiotics after using toys.Any advice is much appreciated

Is it a particular material? She could have developed an allergy which would cause a uti, or do you use lube?

In addition to seeing the docs, it is recommended that she drink plenty of water, some say cranberry juice, eat healthy and take exercise.

Keeping clean is important too, and she should try to use the toilet following sexual activity.

She could take ibuprofen or paracetamol if she feels feverish.

Also, clean toys before & after use, and make sure you've rinsed off all the soap

tried with and without lube and she always go's to toilet after.we always wash toys after use and again before use.if we just have "vanilla sex" she is fine and its a rabbit that we have had for about 10 months

Hey... I'm prone to bad kidney infections and I have found the certain times during my cycle I'm more prone to infections even if it's a toy or a penis. (hate that word : /) And I find if it's hard sex rubbing I get them, diet for me contributes too if I had too much sugar.

I had a rabbit and it caused this too I put it down to the fit and the tight space between shaft and ears and grinding on it to get the best out of the toy.. For me a dildo (glass, I love glass ) and vibe on Clit does the job :) hope she gets sorted soon.. X

Oh maybe try a condom on it incase she's sensitive to ingredients in it x

Agree with LSB either put a condom on it or try a different dildo made of something different

thanks for your replies![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

I just finished another batch of antibiotics so I know how she feels.. Sending hugs her way and hope she gets sorted soon x

I know how she feels I had this problem begining of the year, while using a some Glass Dildo's and 2 different lubes. The lubes have been tried with other toys and no problems.

We tried sex toy cleaner anti-bac cleaner soap and water and afew other way of cleaning the glass.

I went to the toilet before hand as I always do and I shower daily and even changed several different shower gels and got one from the doctors, still the problem reoccurred. I think I had 3 courses of antibiotics between Febuary and April because of the problems.

Why did it start no idea, why has it stopped again were not sure were just keeping our fingers crossed that the Infection stays away.