Water infections

Absolutely I think it would,
I’ve sat and thought a lot since I posted this, and not really seen how long it’s been going on.

My dad at my age started to suffer with what he thought was water infections, his doctors treated him 9 years with it, until they referred him that he has a rare kidney disease Nephrotic syndrome, and maybe I need to push for testing.


Good idea, and try not to let them fob you off, be insistent. Your health is precious.

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So sorry to hear @Justthetwoofus2007, I really hope you can get your doctor to refer you for a thorough check, sending lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Sadly this kind of problem can be a result of long hours of camming. Speaking from personal experience, I’ve had a few bouts of something similar but since I’ve taken a chunk of time away from camming I’ve noticed a big improvement.
Constant hammering away at your vagina with sex toys can make you sore and irritate your bladder too. I always used tons of lube, which was fine to begin with but after a while even just applying lube made things sting down there and of course if you’re doing it as a job there’s no respite at all!
Vaginal abrasions and irritation can take ages to heal but I’d recommend taking a step away from penetration of any kind until your body is healed sufficiently.
Of course this problem clearly needs further investigation from your GP and I really hope you manage to get an appointment soon! In the meantime though drink lots of water, take Ibuprofen to help ease the pain. I do this the minute I feel like a cystitis like problem happening and sometimes it can flush it right out.


Even more important to protect your delicate tissue, then, and go gently in the bedroom.
Sometimes hormone fluctuations can cause UTIs, so if you are anywhere near perimenopause age see if your GP would recommend an oestrogen pessary - usually Vagifem. It doesn’t enter your bloodstream like hrt / contraceptive pills, but it will help to prevent thinning of vaginal and urethral walls, which can be a first line of defence against bacteria. Good luck!


Near the end @wildflower i was more stressed, and the hours were taking there till too.
I’ve been off the site since 6th December now, so was hoping it’s cleared up, but unfortunately not.

I’ve not had any sexual thing with hubby now for 5 months, I’ve sorted him out, but the no sex is really getting me down now, I feel without, just want to be able to get close again.

@MsR i maybe pre menopause, I don’t have periods due to ptsd, had about 10 in my lifetime. So maybe, I’ll ask that too. X

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Defo worth getting your hormone levels checked. Hope all goes well

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Very good points there to check up on :relieved::+1:
It’s often overlooked how things can effect our bodies especially if it’s being used internally

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@AJSTAR @Calie
Absolutely, if I’m honest, whilst camming, I didn’t wash my dildos after every use, as they were in constant use.

I never use toys in both holes, as in using the same toy in each hole, but my regular dildos are silicon and maybe rather worn, so I’m going to replace them.

@steviefun good point about passing water too, whilst camming I didn’t always get the chance between calls, which wouldn’t help.

I haven’t cammed since December, I’ve made content, but much much less frequent, which has made me wonder if I have something underlying or just bad luck? X


I definitely think pushing to get a nurse appointment for tests might be easier than speaking to a Dr, although going to the GUM clinic might be easier than speaking to a Dr and it would be easier to be honest with them too. Not for sti testing, but for the Urinary part of GUM.

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Sounds like a good idea to try and replace them also make sure to try clean them after each use as bacteria can grow very fast on things even if they’re in daily use. Perhaps some antibacterial wet wipes might be helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

Dishwasher is great for cleaning non electrical toys, in the same way it is for babies bottles?

@Justthetwoofus2007 hope things are better with you :hugs:

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Thanks babe, still
The same x.

Sending lots of hugs @Justthetwoofus2007 :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Keep insisting on seeing a doctor. You can also go to the A&E, water infections are serious business.

In the meantime something that helps me is d-mannose tablets. You can get them on Amazon.

16 hours a day is too much camming. I say that as a fellow performer. You need to cut down on that, camming is a big strain on your body. All that pussy play and toys are a lot, and if you’re unlucky you’ll get infections. Thrush, water infections or BV. I know it’s hard to give up all that money but it’s just… not worth it. Or consider doing different kind of shows with less penetration. I often switch it up with blowjob shows for instance, or you can do jerk of instruction shows etc. Or domination, then you can deny viewers to see your pussy at all.

And of course please please please clean all toys all the time. I’m sure you do but just as a reminder. And always make sure to never use a toy in your ass and then in your pussy. As soon as it’s gone in the ass it’s off limits for the pussy until I’ve cleaned it thoroughly. You can also put condoms on toys before putting them in your ass and then take the condom off after, and it’s still fit for pussy play.
But contamination between anus and vagina is a very common cause of water infection among cam performers.

I hope it gets better!!

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I’ve had a 3 day course of antibiotics, but it’s just not long enough. I have a telephone appointment on Friday, so hopefully I get to speak to a doctor and hopefully they’ll agree to see me x

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I used to have so many water infections when I was younger and so I’m more prone to them now than I should be. But d-mannose tablets have basically solved that problem the last two years!

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You definitely need to push for long term low dose antibiotics.