Well my FBF keeps surprising me about my "gayness" (her word!)

So after years of my FBF knowing I am bi, she surprised me again tonight.
She’s always said even though she suspected years ago with how I acted around her ex-boyfriend I’m the straightest bi/gay person she’s even known and if you didn’t know you’d never suspect!
Well tonight we was talking about someone we know and how how camp he is she suspects he might be gay like me. I pointed out that some of the campest men can be completely straight and besides she doesn’t see anything gay about me.
She then surprised me by saying that wasn’t exactly true and I have gay mannerisms and she just gets that gay vibe from me when were together but she couldn’t explain exactly what they were when I asked, just said it was like a spidey sense about my gayness.
I was surprised to hear her say this as I’d always thought I didn’t give off any gay vibes and she’d always told me I didn’t.
I don’t think its a problem for me but after years of thinking one thing it would be nice to know if its obvious others see it like she does as I’d always believed I wasn’t obvious. It has now made me question some comments I’ve had from people I know who I thought was joking.

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@Yes_man I hate to say this but, is she just being a bit flaky?

I remember reading an old post about your FBF and she reminded me of my former BF who wasn’t always the most clear or consistent in her communication.

I would try not to be concerned about it either way.

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She’s probably just saying that because she knows you are gay/bi. So she’s relating your mannerisms with being gay.
I wouldn’t think too much of it. Its just stupid.


@JoCat I did say to her that she probably see’s things like that now she knows but she said they were always there even though she’d previously told me it was a surprise to her becoming I didn’t come over as gay/bi at all and she only suspected because of how I was with het ex-boyfriend, I just wondered what these mannerisms were but she couldn’t ssy exactly she could see it now.
And yes you’re right I am being stupid. :smirk::smirk::smirk:

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Noooo, I didn’t say you were being stupid.

I meant her comments are stupid, she’s dropped this bomb on you and effectively walked away, not given you specifics so you’re now probably analysing every action.

I know she’s your bff but friends don’t do that to each other.

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Yeah @JoCat I know what you meant​:heart: just meant I was being stupid by bothering about it,
I am what I am and if it’s more obvious than I thought then thats what it is!

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FBF? What does that mean?

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It’s known as the gaydar senses lol :sweat_smile: many gay men can easily tell if another guy is gay and most women can too in ways. It’s like a mix of body language, personality and appearance.

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@BL140505 Female Best Friend