Wevibe sync replaced by wevibe chorus?

Most welcome Mr Nob. Whatever you settle on I hope your good lady enjoys it as much as I enjoy the chorus. :kissing_heart:

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It is a fun toy, but not one that’s made its way into our regular box. After the initial flurry of trying lots of new stuff, Mrs Chimp’s tastes have settled on simpler fare. :slightly_smiling_face:

If it looks exciting and you think you’d like to try it but you’re on the fence, don’t forget about the 100 Day Money Back Promise. :+1:

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Bit of a more measured response then. I won’t be drawn into commenting on Mrs Chimp and her need to have simple things in her life :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Good point on the money back promise but would only really want to draw on that as a last resort.

Thanks for commenting.

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Mrs Nob definitely enjoyed the Chorus so worth the outlay :grin: I bought it as a combined set with a Womanizer Premium which I thought would get the bigger thumbs up but got put to one side quite quickly in favour of the Chorus. Given all of the praise for the Womanizer on here I was suprised, she did say she thought it needed some solo time to work out how best to use it so maybe it will become a favourite.


Yes…technique is something acquired with experimentation.

Good, glad she enjoyed it :slightly_smiling_face:

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