What a mug!

I'm so embarressed, my ex form last year recently celebrated his anniversary with his new bird who he got with very soon after leaving me, however, I have that time hop app that shows you your tweets and status's from exactly a year ago and I STilL BELIEVED I WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM!! I'm just so embarresed at how stupid I was. I was in a really bad place and I feel violated.

i know it's in the past and I have no interest in him what so ever (although he did also take my virginity) but I only just found out and it just scares me how oblivious I was!

Time hop can go fuck itself. But remember that all of it is in the past and you weren't in the wrong and you've learnt from your experience. You're stronger because of it :)

There's a popular belief in the circles in which I move that you have to be burned before you can settle down.

It's not him so much that bothers me, he was a cock, such an arrogant "gods gift to women" type, it's how stupid I was to still be trying to mend a relationship that he had finished without even telling me. How can someone be so stupid?!

i have the most amazing man now and I have come on so far in terms of confidence but having already had trust issues when I met nob sack he really fucked me up, now I've moved on and forgotten just to be reminded about how messed up I was.


Cheap&Easy wrote:

They are more of a fool than you. Look what they lost! ;)

Look at the positives, see how far you've come in just one year! :)

Thanks, that's lovely x

I know how you feel. I too was in a previous emotionally abusive relationship, many, many years ago, which totally screwed up my head. (He was very controlling in all the wrong sorts of ways!) He was also my first love, and I was a total mess, and felt like I was not worthy of anything good and felt as though I did not deserve happiness. Then I met the wonderful Mr Scorpius, and he helped me get through this with his patience and love, and now I am so happy and realise that I do deserve good things!

All I can say is that with the love and support of your new partner, you will start to feel worthy of all the pleasure and love he can give to you. Please don't let your ex spoil what you have now, don’t give him that power. You totally deserve to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest :) xx

First loves are awful aren't they?! My man has been through so much crap with me, I've had a lot of problems with trust, it's so hard learning to believe those same words when you believed them before and they turned out to be embarrassing lies. he's been incredible, I'm the luckiest person in the world

Don't beat yourself up about being trusting, it wasn't your fault at all but all his.

Sounds like you're in a much better place now :)

I look back on all of my exes and wonder wtf was I thinking?
Then I think actually I was just waiting for hubby to come along and sweep me off my feet.
Which he did.
We'll actually it was more like he grew on me like fungus :) lol

Your not a mug hun if anything his the mug.

It's not your fault for him being a total idiot so don't feel bad.

pinkanimal wrote:

I look back on all of my exes and wonder wtf was I thinking?
Then I think actually I was just waiting for hubby to come along and sweep me off my feet.
Which he did.
We'll actually it was more like he grew on me like fungus :) lol

Haha! How did you guys meet?

i met my OH on my first night selling shots round town and talked a fair bit but I refused to give him my number, saw him again two weeks later and bounced straight in for a hug as though he was my best friend I hadn't seen in ages :)

Thanks guys, needed to vent and everyone in my life has a thing about gossip

Well he was my then boyfriends best friend. Yeah I know it's bad.
I actually first met him at my stepsisters house.
They were all friends.
I first fell for Alex's car lol.
Black escort 16v with side skirts and big exhaust.
So he started visiting us at my home and we hung out a lot as the three of us lol.
My then boyfriend was depressed and suicidal.
He started to refuse to take me to go shopping saying Alex would do it instead.
One thing led to another and spending more time together we fell In love.
I eventually split with the other guy and we have been together ever since. 9 years this year.
He's my happy ending, my fungus :) x

Aww that's lovely! (Except the guy with depression, hope he got better)

As said, these are all the experiences that help us grow stronger, and shape us into who we are! The past is where it belongs.

I've been both the wrong-doer and been wronged in the same relationship with my ex-wife.

When that relationship fell apart, I thought I was destined for a life of solitude being the geek that I am! But nothing could prepare me for the last few months with my partner who has been both an absolute rock despite being a Fibro sufferer (direct result of a previous physically abusive relationship), and also someone that I dote on and can honestly say is my absolute soul mate!

They're out there. Might take days, weeks, or years. Fate works in very mysterious ways!

Young and fun95 wrote:

First loves are awful aren't they?! My man has been through so much crap with me, I've had a lot of problems with trust, it's so hard learning to believe those same words when you believed them before and they turned out to be qembarrassing lies. he's been incredible, I'm the luckiest person in the world

You are able to see the good in your knew man because of the bad experience you had with the old. It's carp that you list your virginity to him but I think you will find the vast majority of people loose their virginity to someone they wish they hadn't. Don't get hung up about your doing the right thing look at know and forward.

Dont stress about it your now with a new man so whats the big deal. It is hard though my ex recently told me he met a new girl, which was hard as I ended it because he picked drinking over me and I still care about him. But whats for you wont go by you is my philosophy and past is the past. We all make silly mistakes and learn from them xx

I knew Andy was my soul mate as soon as I saw him the second time, I was so excited to see a man again who I'd spoken to for an hour while working. I ran straight up and hugged him, my disabilities make me really uncomfortable around people and I haven't hugged my mum in years, but with him that all fades away. I struggle speaking and a lot of the time it al comes out as a blur, usually people either joke about it or stare at me like "what?!" But he just knows what I said, it's incredible, even I don't understand what I said sometimes!

Gentle giant wrote:

Young and fun95 wrote:

First loves are awful aren't they?! My man has been through so much crap with me, I've had a lot of problems with trust, it's so hard learning to believe those same words when you believed them before and they turned out to be qembarrassing lies. he's been incredible, I'm the luckiest person in the world

You are able to see the good in your knew man because of the bad experience you had with the old. It's carp that you list your virginity to him but I think you will find the vast majority of people loose their virginity to someone they wish they hadn't. Don't get hung up about your doing the right thing look at know and forward.

I waited though, to make sure it was special and I wouldn't regret it. But it wasn't and I do

kayliixx wrote:

Dont stress about it your now with a new man so whats the big deal. It is hard though my ex recently told me he met a new girl, which was hard as I ended it because he picked drinking over me and I still care about him. But whats for you wont go by you is my philosophy and past is the past. We all make silly mistakes and learn from them xx

It doesn't bother me that he's with someone else, I don't miss him, or feel like I'm missing out, it's that he was in a relationship with her while I thought he was in a relationship with me, like how did I not know, but I did, I knew something was wrong and I'm reading tweets from a year ago where I'm talking about how I'm feeling unloved, then how bad I feel cause I brought it up and caused and argument, all while he was shagging someone else!! I feel like I've been shown up, I'm embarressed!