What are YOU contemplating purchasing next?

Very tempted by this whilst it’s on offer, it’s so pretty


I bought that one

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I’ve bought it, hope it fits, I’m nowhere near the same shape as the model

It’s beautiful @Torridon but I have realized how long my torso is

@Torridon I have the basque version, which is lovely.
I’ve often thought about the body, but reviews say it comes up quite short, so I have resisted so far.
I hope you love it when it arrives! Let us know?

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@Orgasm_Chaser I have the opposite problem, short torso, so basques tend to work better for me than bodies. This will be my first from LH, I was um-ing and ah-ing over the size (I’m small top and medium bottom) but have gone for the small and hope it stretches where it needs to!

@MsR I hope so too! I will let you know


Hi just order the city shades of greyvthrusting rabbit can’t wait


Hi @EmmaC1989 just order the fifty shades of
gray thrusting rabbit on reading your review cant wait

Yay @AWB1955 I’m so excited for you! I don’t actually have the thrusting one, but I do have the 50 Shades Stroking Rabbit. I was sent it as a tester for review and it quite literally blew my mind. It still leaves me in a right state every time I use it. My best bunny by far.

I actually want to try the thrusting version of this so let me know how you find it, I’m certain I’m going to add it to my next order anyway :rofl: :biting_lip:


Me too!

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The stroking one looks intriguing @Blonde_Bunny!

@MsSubExperimenter, it really is a revolutionary rabbit :rabbit: :biting_lip:

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The Christmas Lingerie all looks incredible!!!


Hi I cant wait it was a toss-up between the womaniser the strocking bunny the one you have I will certainly tell you how it goes. I hope this one makes me squirt

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Does anyone have this set?
(link in picture):


It is in the lingerie deal of the week and I love how it looks. The reviews are not great but in a way that would probably be perfect for me - built smaller and for smaller boobs on top than bottoms below. If it was in a 12-14 it would already be in my basket but I don’t really think either of the offered size options would work for me :thinking:

Any insights on sizing appreciated.

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I currently have a LOT of lingerie in my basket, ready for purchase on Thursday!

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@Blonde_Bunny have you seen what’s on the new tester list? drool :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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I’m all over this… :biting_lip: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:

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I know I’m a little late to the party here, but I got the thrusting version as a tester and OH MY GOD, same as you with the stroking version, favourite rabbit I’ve owned. It’s amazing. I hope to god they make a regular one without the ears too because that thrusting motion is amazing and needs to be shared with every vibrator in the world :joy:


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