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Browsing online

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Just watching the news, those poor people loosing their homes due the fires :cry:


Not sleeping. Way too hot and I’m so tired too :frowning:

Killing time waiting for a delayed delivery.

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Enjoying a fresh cool breeze while riding (the horse) out round the fields before work. Bliss.


Not long back from Asda and witnessed someone smashing into the side of a parked vehicle then driving off. Honestly, don’t know why people don’t leave details. Just admit fault, it’s an accident.

They’ve been reported so hopefully someone can at least sort it with their insurance.


Working online

Yeah, saw someone do that at the local Sainsbury’s so i tokk the number and had them make an announcement over the Tannoy to the owner so i could give them the reg of the person who drove off. Had this happen to me twice, so i don’t hesitate to grass the offenders up.


Still feeling lousy with this bloody COVID. I’m one of the lucky ones, breathing ok but am just so tired and not able to do anything.

@WillC Agreed, it’s a shitty thing for people to do. I’d like to think if someone ever saw mine getting damaged, they’d do the right thing :pray:t2:

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Just tucking into a pizza. Been working all morning so took lunch late so thought I’d treat myself. :pizza::pizza:

I used to work in claims and the amount of people who would call up with damage and they have no details as the person drove off.
In the end it just ups their premium and they would be out of pocket.

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Totally @KentCouple1990 and @ChloJakes it can make a big difference if the third party can be traced, well done :+1:

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In the bath

Just off out for dinner.

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On another day off so enjoying breakfast outside :sunglasses:


The picture looks great, a lovely way to start a morning. Enjoy. @ChloJakes

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Working online

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Just browsing on here while watching catfish uk.


Was planning on doing a bit of gardening but it’s pissing down, so chilling it is then!