What are you currently doing?

They’d previously given us antibiotic eye drops but now she’s getting oral antibiotics for a month and we’re giving her OTC non-medicated eye drops to keep her eyes from drying out and to flush out any dust :sweat_smile: She’s also getting a topical steroid for her head because she recently banged it and got a large gash :sweat_smile:


Thanks , she is better today . She has had back pain for over 25 years and been a pain patient for 19 years . About 3 years ago she also started having neuropathy in her feet . We believe it is because of the last non fuzed vertebra at bottom of her spine messing with nerves . Plus to combat street drug problem they cut back actual pain patients dosages over the last 3 years . She has had her pain medicine reduced by 65% , so using OTC pain meds went up . So far giving her ER visits twice . Her having a good day is quite rare . We just do what we can do and have tried everything , nothing helps too much .


Well sundays are my chill out day so just finished the hoovering ,bedding changed ,and just hanging out the washing :see_no_evil: who says a fellas work is never done :rofl::rofl:


Just got back from taking the kids to the farm, now to do some lunch :yum:


Just had a fried duck egg sandwich wiith a glass of red wine for lunch. Well it is the weekend :yum:


Well that just sounds fantastic. I have had a short afternoon nap with the cats (my sisters cat is here for a visit whilst they have a night away) and now listening to the new records I bought this week.


Thanks! So far I’m at 8 generations on my Mother’s side. So interesting!! No serial killers yet, but I did have a great, great, great, great, great someone or another who died of rabies :laughing:

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What a day I have had ??? We set off in good time this morning got to junction 16 on the M6 and passed a guy on a motor bike travelling south on the wrong side of the motorway called the law told them ??? The tube stations shut where we are based so the bus everywhere not to my sons liking at all ! One of the drinks leaked on my Mrs brand new jacket gggg rrrr


That’s impressive @lulubee, ouch! rabies sounds awful. Unfortunately I’ve hit a brick wall with mine. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ouch!, sounds a nightmare @Gazza_64 mate :slightly_frowning_face:. I hope things get better soon :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:

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You’re welcome @Oldman, I really sympathise mate, her back pain sounds horrible. My girlfriend’s pain is grief (nearly 12 years), I spoil her, walk on eggshells around her and do whatever I can to ease her pain, I come with her to pick up her antidepressants and other meds that are a result of the grief, she used to be fit and healthy, but now she suffers with multiple conditions and nothing helps.


@Oldman @Knight1119 i sympathise with you both, my OH has suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for nearly 20 years, is in varying degrees of constant pain, the medication causes awful side effects, but she soldiers on and always has a cheerful outer mask, she also works, as keeping active helps keep her from seizing up. To look at her, you wouldn’t know how ill she is. The strongest pain relief she has is oral morphine for when things are particularly bad. I like you both, i do as much as i can to distract her from her pain, and do a lot of the household chores to ease her load. It isn’t easy, but we do what we can for our loved ones. So i feel i know a little of what you do for them and why.


Thanks @WillC, sorry to hear of your OH’s suffering too mate :slightly_frowning_face:. My OH soldiers on too, and also outwardly you wouldn’t know of her suffering, she’s very selfless, and always worries about her family, I just try to keep her spirits up too. I haven’t felt well since before the Pandemic, but I just dose myself up, I just think of what she’s going through and puts mine into perspective.


Cheers @Knight1119 if you aren’t well yourself, you should see a doctor, it’s no good neglecting your own health.


Going well then :joy:

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As I’ve had a good run to Southampton and back I’m home at a reasonable time so i get to sit down to Sunday roast on Sunday :blush::blush::blush:


Thanks @WillC :+1:

@Oldman @Knight1119 @WillC i sympathise with you, my wife has finally had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (i say finally as she’s endured numerous years of tests,scans and a lumbar puncture to rule out m.s) and her meds have been changed yet again which knocked her sideways for a few days, she craves a nights sleep but pain from various parts of her body prevent this,but she soldiers on and rarely gives in to it despite numerous arguments about leaving the lifting, carrying, pushing jobs to me.
We are currently researching cbd in its various forms to try,not cheap but if it helps reduce her pain then I’ll pay for it no question.


Sorry to hear that @pootle, I hope the cbd treatment offers some comfort :crossed_fingers:


We have spent a small fortune trying CBDs , we have not found any that really helped . We also tried a number of different Vape products and found two that seemed to help . But the one really dries her throat out . For her it is not as much about the pain , it is about her neuropathy in her feet . The one vape along with muscle relaxers are about the only way she can get over 3 hours of sleep .
Years ago the doctors had her on the Fentanyl patch . She was on them while we were on a three week trip in our motor home . It was like having my wife back , she was alert and not in pain . It was our best vacation ever . Then they put her back on methadone . She was on that for about 14 years , we both hated it . Being an old medical tech. I am usually up on anything new we can try , if we can get a doctor on board . My wife can not do much of anything . So I handle all household , yard , shopping etc. Along with worrying I am getting wore down myself . Sorry to hear about all of your wive’s problems . We just do what we can do .