I’m at 9mins 51 secs of the 1st episode and I’ve been watching it for over an hour now
Power cut my alarm system is the most annoying thing ever and it won’t shut up haha. This time my buttons to put the code in didn’t work, so had to disconnect a million things before I got it to shut up.
Sorry neighbours
Waiting for people at work to reply to their bloody emails. Not one of the tossers has replied yet!
I’m thinking of channelling some of @FortySomethingWife’s inner bitch to moan at them.
Oh now then, I do LOVE a business phone call where I tell them exactly what’s happening and exactly what they are going to do for me, especially if they’ve failed to reply to my emails.
Always assure them you’re happy this is being recorded …
Even better just go to their office in you’re in the same building like I am and say “YOUVE GOT MAIL”
@KinkyMira I DARE YOU to call them or visit their office and say “ding-a-fucking-ling you’ve got mail dickhead”
Maybe not if you like your job but it’s one of those … FANTASIES lol
Well, I know my boss came for me for this job because he wanted someone who “won’t put up with any of their shit”, as well as all the things positive things he’s seen me do before.
Although to be fair, I only sent the first email an hour ago. I ought to actually give them a chance to reply. Perhaps I need a stint with my clit suction toy to calm me down a bit. Good job I’m at home.
Give them another hour … THE CLOCKS TICKING
Just transferred some potted plants into a border, and am dripping with sweat, need a cold drink!
Im on a break from work. The day is going in quick enough, had a lot of computer faults this morning so still loads of breaks to take …might leave early instead
Get the clit suction toy out and have some fun. Give the workers a telephone call telling them to speak to IT as their e mails are working as you have not received a reply. @KinkyMira
I’m one beer down already and I may have a few more. It’s been a crazy busy day so going to sit in front of the TV and relax as much as possible.
23 mins into Episode 1 of the terminal list
It’s only taken 24 hours haha
I know and its paused again already
We’ve just started this. I’ve paid no attention so far and have had to ask whats going on. When I do look up, it seems so dull!
Pricing up a sea fishing trip…
I finally finished episode 1 of The Terminal List and I’m leaving it at that. Was about the start The Boys from the start as I’ve heard good things about that but I’m going to go to bed instead.
The plan is to read for a bit but I’ll probably be on here instead
The Boys is good, but very…extreme!
Extreme…is that good or bad lol
Watching Terminal List just now. Quite enjoying it