What are you currently doing?

Have you found that paddle yet @Dirty-Wife it cannot have gone far?

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I have absolutely no idea where it could of gone :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s here somewhere. It’ll turn up when I’m not looking for it :joy:

Laughing at the great memes today. Well done people

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Working online

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Waiting for my partner to arrive and not wearing an awful lot. The work men across the street will be seeing more than they might want to when I open the door for him :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


At work trying to get the thought of OH pummelling my ass out of my head hard to concentrate on the job to do

Sat ont decking nursing some cracked ribs,chest, shoulder, upper back and arm pain after coming off my bike,doc has signed me off for the next 5 weeks at least…

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Ouch!, sorry to hear that @pootle, I hope you heal up soon mate :slightly_frowning_face:

@Knight1119 so do i cos i can do bugger all at the moment and I’m getting bored :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oucha, get yourself on amazon / eBay for some stabilisers…
Only teasing, hope you mend soon

Get well soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Craig1234 yeah I’ve had all the stabilisers, smaller bike gags and a whole lot more p155 taking to boot, but I’d do it if it was someone else :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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@WillC cheers mon :+1:

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Hope you heal soon…take it easy.

We’ll try and keep your spirits up.

Sod the stabilisers my friend…a 70’s tricycle with a shiny silver bell and go faster handlebar tassles… can corner like it’s on rails.

Seriously get better soon…take care and don’t rush things.


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@CurvyJilly they’re waaaay outta my price range,have you seen them on ebay :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Got to take it easy and the boredom is already kicking in :confounded::confounded::confounded:

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Currently trying to get a tractor with a grain trailer on the back unstuck from the brook crossing it can’t get forwards or backwards out of. It rained… the steep banks got slippy… the smaller tractor can’t manage it :sob:.

…waiting for help!

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Watching Enter the Dragon.

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The Boys S1 Ep 2 is paused and I’m scrolling through the forum :man_shrugging:t2::rofl:

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You sorted @Peitho ?



I am now, thanks @CurvyJilly
…heading home now, been a long day.

Much better off than @pootle though - hope you have a good nurse and mend veey quickly @pootle .