What are you playing?

superfurry wrote:

im playing fallout 3 quite a lot i neer got round to playing it, i love it, it reminds alot of this very strange film i watched called a boy and his dog where it was a post war thing and he was looking for food and sex and the dog would sniff out the women for him , it was very odd. butthe game aint like that atall apart from its after a war and you scavinge food and shit.

other than that mario is always on my wii , or i use an snes emulator on my ps3 to play mario all stars , gotta love it probley one of the best games ever apart from manic miner on the scectrum :)

I'm getting really worried about you.

Dogs keep cropping up !!!

im an avid pc gamer i love fps( first person shooters) my fave games at the moment is the F.E.A.R games they make you jump and are scary, brill, i never had a game make me jump befor, also a F.E.A.R 3 is coming soon too. love the resident evil series too.

LittleMiss1981UK wrote:

My sister works at Nintendo now. Love the new Donkey Kong, but I am waiting for Deadspace 2

I loved Donkey Kong Country when it was first released back in 94 (I think) have it on my wii on the virtual console in our spare bedroom, I really did fancy buying Donkey Kong Country Returns for the nintendo wii, but read in various reviews it was a really hard game & I'm still finishing the original, so I'm just gonna stick with that untill the 3DS comes along. Big fan of the wii & PS3 though, is what console is Deadspace2 coming out on?

Bakewell wrote:

Black ops on the 360 annnnnddd quite a bit of SEGA megadrive as the OH loves it, I try and nurture it when we have the same interests haha, so lots of road rash, micro machine and ren and stimpy :D

Road rash is a classic, I used to play that on my old Megadrive, I used to enjoy it alot, until I brought a SNES.

LittleMiss1981UK wrote:

Jamba wrote:

What's in your 360, PS3, Wii or DS right now?

Anyone else wish they had more time to be enjoying their second favourite hobby?

I'm an avid gamer and used to work at SEGA. My blood is indeed Nintendo red and my favourite drinking game revolves entirely around MarioKart. I'd be happy to post the rules if anyone is interested!

My sister works at Nintendo now. Love the new Donkey Kong, but I am waiting for Deadspace 2

Oh nice. Which department? I guess she's in Germany then?

Hit back to some old school Tetris last night with a bit of Zoo Keeper. If anyone hasn't played that and you like your quick fire games then I would definitely recommend it.

Nice to hear so many people like the older games, like stuff on the Spectrum (River Rescue still gives me nightmares!) and the PC too. As good as they are I do get a little tired of how blockbuster orientated the industry is becoming.

I personally have time for 1 FPS every 2 or 3 years so thats me out for most COD unfortunately.

Anyone interested in the 3DS btw?

trying to complete the dragon gym battle in pokemon soul silver on the DS

and almost completed the house of the dead 3 just now. ( i got to the final boss battle with no credits and 1 life!)

also have the typing of the dead loaded onto my pc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Typing_of_the_Dead

sweetlove666 wrote:

trying to complete the dragon gym battle in pokemon soul silver on the DS

and almost completed the house of the dead 3 just now. ( i got to the final boss battle with no credits and 1 life!)

also have the typing of the dead loaded onto my pc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Typing_of_the_Dead

Is that the final battle on Pokemon Soul silver with all the four pokemon trainers, I think my OH wants me to help her with that, if I have hints, would you like me to post them?

S&M sexy times wrote:

Is that the final battle on Pokemon Soul silver with all the four pokemon trainers, I think my OH wants me to help her with that, if I have hints, would you like me to post them?

think it's the final gym leader in the first reigon (jhoto) The proble i have is that i don't have any ice pokemon to battle with, so its more of a case of using the pokewalker and leveling up pokemon each day. If i can find someone with a ds i could transfer pokemon from my diamond pokemon game to help.

just compleated Halo3 on the 360 in 6 hours on normal setting, time to start on rainbow 6 vegas

Jamba wrote:

LittleMiss1981UK wrote:

Jamba wrote:

What's in your 360, PS3, Wii or DS right now?

Anyone else wish they had more time to be enjoying their second favourite hobby?

I'm an avid gamer and used to work at SEGA. My blood is indeed Nintendo red and my favourite drinking game revolves entirely around MarioKart. I'd be happy to post the rules if anyone is interested!

My sister works at Nintendo now. Love the new Donkey Kong, but I am waiting for Deadspace 2

Oh nice. Which department? I guess she's in Germany then?

Hit back to some old school Tetris last night with a bit of Zoo Keeper. If anyone hasn't played that and you like your quick fire games then I would definitely recommend it.

Nice to hear so many people like the older games, like stuff on the Spectrum (River Rescue still gives me nightmares!) and the PC too. As good as they are I do get a little tired of how blockbuster orientated the industry is becoming.

I personally have time for 1 FPS every 2 or 3 years so thats me out for most COD unfortunately.

Anyone interested in the 3DS btw?

My sister is based in the UK, looking after the marketing in this country. Spends most of her time in London, but does have to go overseas sometimes.

I definately agreed the older games are better. They bring back so many memories. I do love the dance and singing games out now though. Purely because its a great way for me and my daughter to have a laugh.

Shes only 5 but totally tech minded and she basically stole my ipad and knows how to use it, unlike me.

What about those of use still in the old-skool

My NES, Master, Megadrive and SNES are all still wired up but i generally play the retro games through emulators now to protect the hardware and it gives me more ammunition that i need to build a MAME/console emulator gaming cabinet

orgiinal mario, orginal sonic - street fighter2 tubo, mortal kombat, mariokart and micro machines - bootiful

BlankExpression wrote:

What about those of use still in the old-skool

My NES, Master, Megadrive and SNES are all still wired up but i generally play the retro games through emulators now to protect the hardware and it gives me more ammunition that i need to build a MAME/console emulator gaming cabinet

orgiinal mario, orginal sonic - street fighter2 tubo, mortal kombat, mariokart and micro machines - bootiful

I have all the old games consoles and games and love them. My OH also has the emulators on his iphone and wii so got all the games in one place. It's ace lol

BlankExpression wrote:

What about those of use still in the old-skool

My NES, Master, Megadrive and SNES are all still wired up but i generally play the retro games through emulators now to protect the hardware and it gives me more ammunition that i need to build a MAME/console emulator gaming cabinet

orgiinal mario, orginal sonic - street fighter2 tubo, mortal kombat, mariokart and micro machines - bootiful

Yay! My SNES isn't hooked up, but can be in a few secs. Got about 50 odd carts under my bed, a number of them still in original boxes.
I spent a good few years trawling ebay for some for the best and rarest games out there.

I even trained myself to clean and recondition cartridges and replace the internal battery. It deletes the internal memory, but then makes it good for another few years for replay value :)

Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy 6 are my 3 favorite carts ;)

Playing Chrono Trigger atm as well. Damn good! Just got Chrono back so I'm fighting fit.

My DS has seen more playtime than anything this generation. I love all of the different games that just would have never happened until it came out. Oh and to make life even better, Edgeworth 2 has been confirmed!

Atm I'm going through a bit of an indie game phase. Really really enjoying the beta to Frozen Synapse that I've been playing with a friend, it's really enjoyable trying to outwit each other with tactics. Also quite enjoying Minecraft for some care free fun. Then amongst a lot of other games I'm currently playnig when I have the time, which isn't often, is Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light which is the second game that my other half wil lgladly sit down and play with me, Trine being the first.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Jamba wrote:

Playing Chrono Trigger atm as well. Damn good! Just got Chrono back so I'm fighting fit.

My DS has seen more playtime than anything this generation. I love all of the different games that just would have never happened until it came out. Oh and to make life even better, Edgeworth 2 has been confirmed!

Oh, the DS is simply the best console I have ever come across! So many games!

The feller who owns the games shop up the road recommended it to me when I told him my original GameBoy died. I was thinking of the PSP at the time and he directed me to a DS that was sitting there for £50. He knows I love RPG's and told me I HAD to get it. I haggled him down to £40 by getting him a cuppa tea from the cafe down the road! Lol!

Whats Edgeworth 2? Ne'er heard of that one.

Please tell me you've played Pheonix Wright? If not, FOR SHAME!

Edgeworth is one of the characters and has had his own spin off series which is shaping up nicely. Would definitely recommend it as a bit of true gaming genius.

I would very much recommend Rythm Paradise as well, it's truly addictive and good old silly japanese fun.

So I've just seen this game called Catherine by the guys who made the Personna games. Looks messed up and trippy but great in a classicly Japanese repressed sexuality kind of way.

This guy seems to constantly be having sex nightmare. Worth a look:


Sorry, the other trailer didn't really show off the erotica side of it so much. Here you go:


Has anyone else pre-ordered a 3ds, I did my pre-order a couple of weeks ago. I'm hopefully gonna buy dead or alive dimensions, pilotwing resort. I don't know what else though at the moment.

S&M sexy times wrote:

Has anyone else pre-ordered a 3ds, I did my pre-order a couple of weeks ago. I'm hopefully gonna buy dead or alive dimensions, pilotwing resort. I don't know what else though at the moment.

i'm gunna be patiently/optimistically waiting to find one pre-owned..(!!!) it's far too rich for my blood at the current proposed price, and tbh i'm only interested in animal crossing and MAYBE the next pokemon game, IF (and only IF) they incorporate some augmented reality card swapping element to the game. seriously - if nintendo don't take this opportunity to make pokemon cards that you can put on a table and watch your pokemon come alive out of - they're complete and utter morons who don't deserve my money. External Media

this week i shall be mainly playing your shape:fitness evolved, dance central and the dance evolution demo on the kinect ^__^ if i find the time and space i may also set up the old PS2 and hook up my copy of REZ... just for funsies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rez#Trance_Vibrator