What cheered me up recently

:rofl: @Melody1 , Sunday morning I had to make myself sandwiches for work and I wanted buttered crumpets for breakfast… only enough butter in the butter dish for one of these though and I had to open a new pack from the fridge for my crumpets - it was so disappointing having got into the habit of spreadable butter during the Summer.

…made me think of you and your Spring time post about spreadable butter - That made me smile.


Someone at work suggesting I should trademark the smiley face emoji as I use it so much
It cheers me up that I come across as a happy person
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Beats the alternative eh? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Last weekend I was at a pub right opposite the Lovehoney warehouse! Why do they not have a shop, I’d have loved to have popped in before my glass of Pinot in the pub!!!


Having a couple of full nights sleep :grin: in forever. It’s since I’ve brought him that new beard oil :woman_shrugging: since he’s been using that I’ve been sleeping all night. And the smell is absolutely gorgeous :heart_eyes: :ok_hand:


My parcel arrived!

The green moonflower body that I picked out in a 20 minute rush to get next day delivery has turned out to be the best item of lingerie I’ve ever bought! Thanks @Green_Eyed_Girl for your help :heart_eyes: :blush: Even I feel sexy in this one!

The inflatable dildo looks amazing too and a lot smaller before inflating than I expected which is a bonus. I did say that I would save it for a few months since I still have a couple of new things that I either haven’t used yet or haven’t used much but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to that :joy:


Glad its a hit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: i really want something from that set, i just love the colour


Is it true to size?
I’ve been ummming and ahhhing about it.

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I’d say it is, there’s only 2 sizes 8-16 and 18-24. I got the 8-16 and I’m a size 12 on top, 14 waist and 16 hips, it looks tiny but it’s very stretchy. I have to do a bit of a wiggle to get it over my bum but once on it’s very comfortable


What cheered me up recently was rewatching Miranda on iPlayer. Such fun!


A book ive been waiting semi patiently for just came out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yesterday the weather was perfect for a relaxing ride with one of my friends . We rode our street bikes and stopped often and I took a number of pictures for use in my annual calendar . This picture is of the Taylor River at Garfield Ledges Trailhead . Picture should be in Images to share shortly . https://lovehoneyforum.com/t/images-to-share-in-topics/259586/176?u=oldman


Thinking about Tuesday night

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This made me laugh…but what a brilliant idea! :joy:


Hun have you ordered one @wildflower :kissing_heart:

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No @Gazza_64 but I’d quite like one though :joy:

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Joining @Baby_Jane , @Gazza_64 , and @KentCouple1990 for drinks.
It’s like a little LH party


Hubby’s brought me a present, have no idea what it is :thinking::face_with_monocle: all he’s told me that it’s being delivered tomorrow. And not open it until he gets back from work.



No sure why, but today was on the up cycle


My physio told me that having a clit as painful to touch as mine was not normal and that there are things that we can do to desensitise it. This is such a relief after always being told that it’s normal for some women. It will be amazing if I can let my OH touch me for the first time without it being painful. I know it doesn’t sound like a big, cheerful thing but it will make a big difference to our relationship and I’m so happy about it :grin: