What cheered me up recently

What cheered me up recently is that my OH has some time off work, he works very very hard throughout the year and there is a lot of time where we dont get much time together or time for sexy fun as he often is very tired but recently with him being off we have been able to spend quality time together and have become very very close and i have just been enjoying being with him and cuddling up with him. We have also been doing new things together as a couple and have started going out and socialising together- something we havent done in a long time due to mental health problems and i am so proud of how far we have come recently.

(Sorry if this is a bit long winded)


Yesterday I needed to go to a specialty pharmacy for some medicine for my wife . It is only about a 30 mile round trip . It was 41f , 5c and I finally got a ride in on one of my motorcycles . It was sunny even if a bit chilly and my bad hip was quite uncomfortable . Even though traffic and idiots were in full force , I enjoyed the ride . One lady looked right at me and my glaring headlight and pulled right out in front of me . I took my smaller bike with ABS and my old reflexes worked a treat . Even though my pain level was pretty high , I really enjoyed and needed that ride .


Yesterday - not just hitting one, but two milestones in my investment journey. Being in and out of the market since 2008, I’ve really gotten serious and honestly started to figure it all out about 6 years ago. A penny saved is not just a penny earned with compounding and dividend income. That is all, for now. Have a great day y’all :sunglasses:


Mrs W here …

I had made a bit of an effort to look good today, so it was a real boost to my ego to get a few compliments in the office today … especially because the weather has gone downhill since I got into the office… its now raining, grey and dismal, but hey, I can handle that now I have just got another compliment. The boys really are a nice crowd …


I’m glad the day is going well and from what you said in what am i wearing, i’m not surprised the boys are giving you lots of compliments. I would have said you were HOT, HOT, HOT.

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Mrs W here …

@steve19 … Thank you kind Sir, don’t know about hot … but definitely horny :kissing_heart: xx


I got myself a smart watch as a late Christmas present to me in early January. I’ve never used pedometers or bothered with the Samsung Health app before but I’ve suddenly got really into it. It cheered me up to find out that over the first week of having it, my “average daily step count for the last 7 days is 14 038 more steps a day than the average for your age group. Nice work! You’re in the top 2%”

Always nice to get positive feedback, even if it is just from my watch! :rofl:


That look of genuine wonder on my husband’s face when I reveal my boobies to him. All the times he’s seen them and played with them, and he still has a look of wonder, awe and joy. I hope it never goes away. :heart:


@sexykitten3080 that’s really beautiful, quality time with your partner is so important! I’m so happy for you both that you’ve gotten to have that time together recently, I know how tricky it can be to fit it in around work and health issues :green_heart:


Had a lovely wee break away with Mrs. :heart:
Fantastic villa, lovely food and drink, and just nice to be the two of us.


Mrs W here …

How to cheer up your office colleague … I got 3 Valentine Cards through the Internal Post this morning - no stamps etc … so from colleague(s) … even allowing for 2 to be sent in jest, still leaves at least 1 admirer … oooohhhhh Mr W better up his game … seriously really cheered me up :grin: xx


Watching the sun rise over the sea :sunrise::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: now just trying to get feeling back in my fingers! :rofl: