This is an interesting question that came to my mind earlier... im still pondering it as i have fantasies and romantic things both in mind... Just wondering what others answers to this question might be.....
if your oh was to do something that would totally blow your mind... what would it be?....
Hmm im off to make some lunch while i ponder my own answer lol x
Oooh... lots! I don't think my wife realises the extent of the power that she wields over me.
There are also some things that my wife knows that, ideally, I'd love her to do, but which don't sit right with her for various reasons. I'm not having a grumble here -- I really wouldn't want her to do anything for me that's genuinely unpleasant for her. The only wiggle-room that I see is if the root cause is a lack of self-confidence on her part which I could help to resolve.
Some examples:
Blowjobs -- she hates the idea of putting anything large in her mouth
Light bondage play -- we've tried it but she doesn't "get" it
Fantasy role play -- we don't have a good environment for this at home
Slutty dressing -- she's tried it but looked really ill-at-ease and uncomfortable
I imagine that these limits are quite common, and I'm still very happy with our love life. They do fall firmly into the category of activities which would blow my mind if my wife were to perform them, though.
Ok this may sound a bit innocent but a massage would be very nice. Never had one. Apart from when I was a teen and my friends used to write the alphabet on my back and spell out words.
realise just for once that I don't mind him having time with his friends but him delaying/changing our plans to hang out with his mates longer makes me feel slightly rejected at times...
i love the idea of him turning up one morning and jumping into my bed, nothing better than waking up next to him... :)
He has done so many things that blow my mind. He moved halfway across the country to be with me, and does an epic commute every day as a result. He is amazingly forgiving of all my craziness and makes me feel safe, loved, and beautiful. I cannot believe how lucky I am.
Actually, this thought sprung into my head the other day. The fantasy seems nice.. However I would want all the attention. But it's a fantasy, I'm not sure I would go through with it in reality.