What is considered average / thin girth?

Hello [everyone],

since you all have some comparisons at home I would like to know what you consider as an average girth and what as in thin girth for a penis.

Is 4.5-4.7" (11.5 - 12 cm) girth for you a good girth? Does a bigger girth pleasure you better? Do you feel significant difference?

Thank you for your answers :)

Average starts at around 4.5 inches in the UK. There are lots of threads on this already if you want to have a read around for others thoughts on the subject of penis size.

A guy could have 6" of girth and think that's all he needs, so in that case, the bigger girth wouldn't pleasure me more than the average size. Most people will say that technique is more important than anything else and I completely agree with that :)