Our Mistresses were well pleased but we still had a good spanking to “keep us in line”.However as a reward for our services we were treated to the pair of them going topless for the last part of the afternoon so we could feast our eyes on their gorgeous breasts.After they left and we were on our own we were both so turned on my wife could hardly walk after i had finished with her.My Wife/Mistress is now considering my suggestion of an open leg treat the next time.Something i thought she would not do but she enjoyed both the act of being ogled and the hard sex afterwards she is wondering just how intense it will be if i feast my eyes on her friend as she herself displays all to her friends husband.
Yes, it’s always important to be kept in line by your mistress and to say thank you to them for doing so!
Still in my ‘wedding night’ lingerie after celebrating our 49th anniversary.
She’s still wearing the harness briefs and dildo.
Baby pink satin knickers with a lace trim around the leg and a nice little pink bow on the front.
I’m currently wearing my black lace thong I wear for gym workouts with my very see through pants
I don’t think you can beat a lady in a black thong especially with see through pants. @kaylakakes11
Green satin Brazilian Knickers with lace trim with a little bow on them.
I’m sure you were in my gym yesterday, when I say you could see everything.
Definitely not especially when your squating
Red with silver metallic side straps.
Oh I sure was in the gym.
Denim Micro-shorts with lace-up sides.
In fact that’s all I’ll be wearing all day.
Very frilly and lacy black lingerie including vintage 16 strap suspender belt underneath my French Maid outfit.Blocky high heels too and long blonde wig.Wife says i look amazing and it’s a little unnerving just how very passable i now look.She also says she feels a little strange at just how attracted she is to me like this and how very horny i am making her.
Pink silk with lace trim and strappy sides.
Feeling a little primal lol, zebra print thong today!
Red lace thong
Red silk thong!!
Pink satin French knickers with a lace trim
Mrs W here … feeling very horny lately, so its a black thong, no bra - but had a jumper on for the commuting because its a bit nipply this morning, now I am in the office, jumper is off because the AC is on …