Who else is from Australia

G’day everyone, just trying to gauge how many Ozzie’s are on here…

As I find the forum is quite slow when I’m online and just wanting to try and figure out the best times to make posts/comment on posts for replys…

I understand that not everyone is on here 24-7 but I would enjoy being able to engage in friendly chats about all things love honey during waking hours…

Maybe if @Lovehoney_Brenna would allow a sub topic in here based on where everyone is located in the world??

If this is breaking any rules I totally understand as I’m aware that 1-1 chats are not allowed and it’s not a meet-up/hook up site…

I just get lonely posting/replying and not getting a response for hours lol…

Call me slightly addicted… but I really enjoy it here with all your crazy Kats… and miss the old days of forums :slightly_smiling_face:


I think most on here are UK based (I’m in the UK half the year and the US the other half) :woman_shrugging:

Yeah that’s what I’ve noticed… Being a UK based company it makes sense…

But I have seen the odd Australian, so fingers crossed I’m not the only regular lol

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Hi, unfortunately also UK based but its good to hear from across the world. Have family in Brisbane, visited 3 times and loved Sydney.

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Hi. I’m in the UK unfortunately. Most of the population on here is mostly UK and I’ve seen some Americans but not many. This is a UK based company so maybe that’s why. A lot of Australians might not know about LH or they do and then think it’s not worth it because it’s based in the UK. I’m not speaking for everyone though.

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There are definitely Australians here (and New Zealanders too :slightly_smiling_face::+1:).

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I’m pretty much up all night…every night! I’m uk but seriously I only ever have about 3 hours sleep a night! Time zones don’t really mean much to me as I feel like I’m constantly passing through them all :man_facepalming:t3: I need to learn to switch off seriously

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G’day :slight_smile: Yes, here from Australia.


I’m from Oz, you will find a big afternoon shut down usually, then you wake up in the morning to a lot of activity.

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Yeah that’s what I’ve come across… Alot of people from the UK, some American’s and a handful of Aussies and Kiwis…

@Toolman31 that’s exactly what I seem to find actually lol

So it would seem there are only a handful of us on here!

Well happy to meet you all :slightly_smiling_face:

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Id be surprised if that many Aussies where here actually


@Serpentwand we love sex and how someone could think we don’t has me confused.

My comment was purely based around the fact that this forum is UK based. Nothing more or less :slight_smile:


I’m an Aussie, guilty as charged


Damn right we like sex I’m 1 of the angriest people you will ever meet if I haven’t got laid in less than the last 3 days

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Yes i am from perth australia


Hey yep NSW :grin:

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Yep NSW :blush:(Aus)

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I think it is not so much where you are located , just what time people are more active . I am in the US and on the west coast . UK is about 8 hours ahead of me . I am most active from 4 AM until 6 AM Pacific standard time . I do often stop by during the day , especially to look for replies or if a photo was approved . My wife is inactive and you fine people are my mental crutch . :people_hugging: :hugs:

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