Who's got a PA? Is it a Gay piercing?

Hi all, just curious how many of my fellow Honeys have a PA, I had one once about 10 years ago and regretfully took it out as it was uncomfortable whilst it was healing,
Ive decided to take the plunge again and get it done for my 51st birthday.
When I told my FBF she said it was totally gay and the most gay thing yet about me, she knows I’m bi but thinks I’m more gay than straight, told her that straight men have PA’s as well but she wasn’t convinced.
Whilst I’ve been doing my research on the net to see if I can make the healing a more comfortable experience all I could find was references to it being a gay piercing, being Bi I’m not bothered by this but is my FBF right is it primarily a gay piercing or are there straight men on the forum with a PA?

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Never associated with being gay. Quite often thought about getting a genital piercing including a PA.

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Hi @DLJL, I hadn’t until my FBF said what she did, and then searching the net almost confirmed what she said, just wondered how man straight men had one thats all.

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So is that the rumour now if you have one you are gay? Bit like having your ear pierced on the Right Ear. I never took notice of that, have both ears pierced.


I cannot see why it’s considered gay - personally I think it’s awful- but each to their own :lovehoney_heart:

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@teacake! Exactly!!

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I think if you spend a couple of minutes having a search of previous posts you’ll find plenty examples of different types of people over the years who have that piercing.

Whether you choose to have one or not, it has no connection or bearing on your sexuality. While your friend seems to have a strong opinion on it, I think it’s fair to say that it’s a misguided one.


I had a fwb who had a PA, he is straight. Its silly to say a piercing is gay. Piercings don’t determine sexuality.


Gay? Thats just as ridiculous as saying having you left or right or both ears pierced is gay. A PA just sounds painful but is quite common in the chastity world apparently.

Nipple was bad enough. Always intended getting my other one done but didn’t want to go through the pain again.

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@HanoiRocks it’s not at all painful, actually one of the least painful piercings, also one of the quickest healing, about 4 weeks, my problem was it was very uncomfortable in my peehole, I was told by another piercer to the one who did mine that it was probably down to the ring being too thin for, it was done with the standard 2.4mm ring, he said I should go for a 4mm first but finding a piercer who’ll do that size as a first piercing might be difficult.

Pretty sure mine was 2.4mm 4mm is a bit of a stretch in every sense, 3mm perhaps ?
Standard or reverse?

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That’s a new one on me. I’ve never heard of a PA piercing being associated with any sort of sexuality.

Either way if you want it then get it done. It’s your body.

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This was back in the late 80’s early 90s so hopefully that thinking has gone now.

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Oddly I’d have said it was neutral like any piercing as I’ve seen both straight and gay men having it.


Definitely not gay, although I’m sure gay and straight men may have them. My hubby has had a PA piercing since his 20’s, now over 20 years and one, possibly two of my girl friends have mentioned their men have a piercing down there.


I got mine done right around the time that this was posted.
A Dominant Woman that I love wanted it.
Today, the 6 and 4 gauge arrive.
I’m not gay, but definitely bi curious.
Looking forward to a mmF encounter

My HTB got it done. Didn’t hurt and was quick and healed well. He loves it and so do I!!!

Ignore the haters- be you and enjoy it!