Why is Lovehoney so paranoid about repeat threads?

I'm a member of a couple of forums - both musically based ... but in each case there are repeat threads and often in the reptition we see changes of mind and differing points of view - new points of view. This is the first forum I've ever been in where repeat threads are banned (by virtue of deletion) ... I enjoy new threads abou old topics - often they're very different even though the subject is the same. Some of those old threads are called by very odd titles where you've got to be in the know to knowwhat they're about.

Why is is LH so harshon these repeat threads? I really don't understand ... Does it perpetuate an 'in crowd', those who are in the know and know all the expressions / slang / sexual language ...

These are just questions - not judgements though in my judgement (!!!!!!!!!) some will take it that way, but they are just questions ...

I suspect this may be good bye from me - irregular poster I know and doubtless unmissed, but really ... have pity on those of us who have been having sex for MANY years but who don;t necessarily know all the jargon to use the much vaunted "Search Function" ...

Reply now before this thread is deleted!

I've been on a few forums where repeat topics are banned, and if they appear they're locked.

I think it creates less mess if you prevent duplicate topics, and also if the same topic is done like 5 times you can have issues of some people posting in the revived topic, and also in the new topic. It's just clutter. Another issue is that the more topics you have (being duplicate) the more space it takes up on the servers.

I think possibly it's too harsh on here sometimes, because if there's not an exact duplicate topic then I'd say make a new one, where as I'm sure some people would prefer you to just post in an existing topic that's not quite what you're going for but close.

Think it's part of the same reason they don't have a policy against necroing old threads or even a delete option. A lot of the time, it's easier to look back over a few pages of people's answers, and then add your own view or request for updated opinions, than to post a question that some people could be so sick of answering that they don't respond to.

I don't think they're "harsh" per se, not like they ban you if you post a duplicate thread! Having some people give you links to threads already existing, and redirecting the conversation there makes the new thread redundant, so may as well delete it for tidiness (after all, the old one with more info has now been bumped to the first page!).

If you try a search, and don't find anything, but are then linked a thread or two that you'd missed, where's the harm? I flit about several fora, and anywhere else, posting a duplicate thread will for the most part get you some rather abusive and condescending replies - none of them linking these other threads you missed! - and possibly banned or warned for "spamming" (at the same time as risking a ban for necroing an 'old' thread, with no firm definition of what is too old). This way, there's no room for confusion, the forum stays tidy, and no one needs to feel bad because some randomer mocked the failure of their search-fu. Simple and friendly, what's not to love?

Yeah Sam I think it's a case of keeping the place tidy! Plus doesn't it take up bandwidth? Or something like that! If you use the search function fella I'm sure you'll find this topic has been discussed before :-p Although not super regular you are a familiar face around here Sam! So don't bugger off! SG

Sometimes looking at the old threads does the job and people should be pointed in that direction, but I do agree that the standard response of "use the search function" is somewhat tedious. I think of forums like chats in the pub, yes you wil repeat some stuff but if the conversation is coming up a year later then people can and will change their views. You wouldnt dream of turning to someone in the pub and saying "actually, we talked about that 7 months ago.."

For direct and specific stuff then yes, go search but for opinons on various things I dont see why there cant be threads on the same or similar subject but with new contributors. Reading a thread that originally started in 2007 but has had a post every 6 months to keep it active isnt the same as people contributing there feelings now on whichever topic.

Its just my opinion as I am more of a reader of the forums than a contributor but sometimes I think that new discussions should be allowed to develop and grow as opposed to being sent back in the direction of an very old thread to sift through stuff that may well be irrelevent now.

There is a wealth of information on this forum and some regular posters are not willing to re-post something again and again, meaning people miss out on the wisdom of some members, but if they are directed to another older thread they may get their answer. Imagine if every new member asked 'when did you last have sex?'??? Imagine that thread spilintered into god knows how many others? You would never find anything else on the forum and people would get bored searching and give up. The search function is a considerable vat of information and I would rather see an old thread resurface than many new ones on subjects that have been covered in depth.

Hiya - being a LoveHoney representative who has never once told anyone to use the 'search function' I am sorry to hear that this has become an issue.

I agree with you Sam66 the forums are there for chat and it isn't too much of an issue if new threads are created that cover the same issues. If someone does start a new thread that is a repeat of an old one in most instances they will be supplied with a direct link to the relevant old thread. Hopefully this means any questions they have are answered straight away.

Also we do not delete threads randomly. We haven't deleted this one have we : )! We are very open and we value feedback and input from our forum members. I will bring up your comments with the rest of the team and hopefully we can review the way in which we deal with new threads.

Sam66 wrote:

I suspect this may be good bye from me - irregular poster I know and doubtless unmissed, but really ... have pity on those of us who have been having sex for MANY years but who don;t necessarily know all the jargon to use the much vaunted "Search Function" ...

Reply now before this thread is deleted!

I'd miss you Sam66 - If I could ever get round to posting on one of the "We love" threads you'd be up there for the refreshing perspective you offer, the humility you show & your amazing personal strength.

I love the fact that despite the very difficult things you've been through, you & your wife clearly love each other very much still and as a relative newly-wed (2 years in Sept) it offers me great hope in the strength of marriage.

I've never followed any religion but I really love that whilst your faith has been truly shaken you show so much respect for those with faith.

So in all, no opinion on the whole multiple threads thing - I'm not bothered either way; but I'd definitely miss you if you disappeared, please don't.


I find it much easier to follow certain threads, when you have lots all about the same subject you can easily miss a suggestion or tip. I do automatically go to the last page of the thread if I know the topic or the first page if I don't and need a heads up.


I must say that LH is the only forum I use that works things this way around and it seems very odd. All the other forums I use work things very much that the discussion all relates back to the original poster's question/comment. The way things work here is that people try to find a thread that is related to what they want to say/ask and tack on to that thread even if what they are talking about is tangential to the original post. It seems to be the ultimate recipe for thread drift.

With the conventional way of doing things you can search for a topic and then read the title and first post of any thread thrown up in the search to see if there is any likelihood that the thread covers the ground you are interested in. With the LH system this doesn't work and because threads drift all over the place you have to read the whole of each thread to see if any of them meanders onto the ground you are interested in or not.

While I agree that many people should use the search facilities more there are some topics that just throw up so many hits the search is no help - when, for example, the only word you can search for is very common (the "Share" dildo is an obvious example). So, if someone starts a thread on a topic that seems to be identical to a previous thread and someone posts a link to the earlier thread and that does the trick then fine. On the other hand it allows for the poster of the new thread to explain that the earlier thread doesn't cover what they were on about for whatever reason and a new discussion would ensue without deviating the course of the earlier thread.

I did find it strange to start with an i was always worried about starting a thread and being told to use the search function!!! I have to say though it never happened! i can now see why they do it, with so many new member the same questions come up over and over again . Sam did something happen to upset you? I hope not but if it did just ignore it and move on, i've seen you around and it would be a shame if you left!!!

Another apology here ... sorry I haven't replied sooner to my thread! Work seems to get in the way of life on occasions ... well, most of the time!!

I'm really very touched by some of your comments - it wasn't meant as a ego massaging exercise, but thank you anyway. Some really nice and constructive posts. Thank you.

I think my only 'complaint' (and that is by far too strong a word) is that thread titles don't walways make it clear what is being discussed, so when I've done searches before creating a thread someone says "If you look here there's an old thread about X!"

I agree that continual threads about anal sex etc etc may be a bit much, but just every so often a similar question asked on the same topic can produce very different answers because of the subtlities of the question.

But I will 'take on board' (dreadful expression that!!) what you've said and endeavour to really get to grips with the Search function. There will probably be several more threads to be deleted before I get the hang of it!

Thanks everyone - I feel better now!

To be fair, there is a certain amount of functionality lacking here. Main thing I see is the inability to jump to specific posts. For instance, if you search for something, and the result includes a post in a really long thread, you'll be sent straight to the first post in that thread, even though the relevant response might be 67 posts in. Sometimes threads go off on a tangent, so while the OP migth not be in any way related to what you're interested in, all the information right be sitting there in a couple of pages in the middle. Also makes it harder to keep track of your place when you log off and come back to a thread later on (I'm a massive fan of "see unread since last visit" and such like). But then I have limited techy knowledge, so dunno if there's a horrifically complicated reason for not having that (or a crazy simple one that I'm just not thinking of).

I've found that point annoying too when I've tried to find someone's post from their profile page, clicking on their last post will take you to the first page of that thread rather than the page with their post on.


Sam66 wrote:

just every so often a similar question asked on the same topic can produce very different answers because of the subtlities of the question.

I think this is a very important point. If you look on most forums and find the threads on apparently similar topics they generally cover somewhat different ground and explore different avenues. I'm not sure that the LH cure is worse than the problem they are trying to solve. On most forums you get a few threads started that are on a well worn path. So they occupy a single line in the forum lists for a while but, unless they do trigger a discussion, they drop down the list pretty soon. So what is the problem? If it's not a topic that interests you or on which you would have anything new to contribute you can just skip it.

Repeat threads are technically against the LH rules but I don't think it's a hard and fast thing.

It is annoying if threads are *repeated* but if there are subtle differences usually you'll get a "veteran" saying "this is a repeat" then the poster saying "actually, I wanted to draw this difference" then everyone will think "oh, ok then, I see your point"....I'd like to think most people are polite about drawing attention to older threads if there are repeats and it really is for the help of the poster usually as they may get the answer to their question quicker if they do a search.

Glad you're feeling better about it now Sam I'd hate to see you leave!


I think it depends on the type of thread.

If posters make an effort it usually is different and deserves to stay. I get annoyed with threads like:

"I love blowjobs, do you?"

It really doesn't deserve a thread of it's own if the OP spent all of 4 seconds thinking of it. As mentioned though it doesn't mean a veteran is hostile to be posting links, I think it's helpful, it encourages newbies to answer and engage with older posters too.

They just want to avoid repetitiveness lots of conversations being fragmented on one topic when it can be one. Just helpful for us