why was my post deleted?

I recently posted a long message in the circumcision help! thread which was recently removed. I cannot for the life of me begin to understand why this happened. Can anyone shed some light into it? i was not abusive or derogatory, my language was fine. i just dont get it.

I'm new here, but if posts are just removed without justification then thats kinda wack.

Hi Firestarter, welcome to the site first and foremost. Obviously unable to assist re your query as l have been unable to read your post, however l am certain that one of the LoveHoney staff will get back to you asap.

Regards Tallboy


Hiya Firestarter,

Bearing in mind it is possible small peeps can potentially access this site, they have adopted a responsible code re what is and what isn't allowable, maybe you may find something to help you in the above link.

Cheers TB

I told you in the thread that I believe it was labelled as spam. I saw the original post and as it had a lot of links in it, it may have automatically be labelled as spam. There is a lot of that on here. I wouldn't get offended at this stage because you don't know the reason.

There you go Firestarter that might be it, a first post with those included, but hopefully we will hear more from you now and we can all move forwards together. Cheers.


Aarghhh, nothing worse than a probable techno glitch, hopefully Firestarte twas nowt worse, and hope to see you about later, just a bummer if it was a long post !!


I managed to read your post before it was deleted and thought that is was very informative - hope this won't put you off posting again.

Its okay, i figured it wasn't due to an itchy finger trigger, i was just cross coz it took me like 15 minutes to write!

never mind though :)

That's the spirit Firestarter, your not an Aussie by any chance are you????


Nope, can't say i am. UK head all the way!


Phew thank goodness for that !!!



This has come up before you see!!