Womanizer Next

Hey all,

We are looking for some advice from any Womanizer Next owners out there. As we have written on the forum several times Mrs B is a huge fan of womanizer products. We have had a pro40, premium and premium 2 and all have been fantastic.

Mrs B is a self confessed power queen so our question is: is the Womanizer Next noticeably more powerful than the premium or premium2?

Mrs ONLY uses the premium2 on full power and would love even more go….

Over to you Lovehoneyers….

I don’t have the Premium 2 but I believe it is exactly the same suction power and feature wise as the Duo 2, which I do have.

Yes, the Next feels much more powerful to me used on the deepest setting than the Duo 2 does. Used on the shallowest setting, it is weaker. Basically, you’ve got a much greater range at both ends of the scale.


That’s great advice - thank you

I want to try womanizer next, but I’m disappointed it only has a two hour battery. I just want a womanizer toy that plugs into the wall, so the battery never goes dead. But I’d be using it 24/7 lol

This would be awesome. We had a partially spoiled night away when we found the premium battery to be flat!

The two hours that the Next has is plenty enough :joy: I’d be impressed if you needed it for more than 15 mins at a time :sweat_smile: just pop it in the charger while you’re recovering

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Hey @Peitho :wave:
Just wondering, does the greater range get used, or is there a sweet spot that the premium already covers?
Basically I’m wondering if it’s time for an upgrade?
Asking for a friend/wife :joy:

I think that will depend on your wife. For me, once into a session I like the much stronger, deeper sensation (after starting mid range softer). The shallowest, weaker setting I don’t tend to use unless on autopilot to prolong things. The deepest setting with building strength is where my sweet spot is. If you never use the higher intensities on the Premium, you probably won’t gain a lot upgrading to the Next though the feel of the 3 depth settings is a slightly different type of sensation.