Would you commission erotic art?

Would you commission erotic art ? Many of us probably have a collection of nude or explicit images that we have shared with lovers, or taken in the throes of imaginative solo play. Would you pay an artist whose work you admire, assuming willingness and utmost discretion, to interpret your intimate images? If so, what kind of image would you most like to have turned into erotic art? (Describe, don’t post​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) How much would you be prepared to pay for it? Examples might include anything from a tasteful black and white acrylic, charcoal and chalk nude, to a series of comic book pages depicting a sexual escapade you filmed with your partner, to close up portraits of your penis or vulva in party mode, to you and your favourite sex toy in action… Just imagine the possibilities are endless, as long as legal, and consensual if other parties are depicted. Finally, what would you do with the finished product? Eg. Would you display it, or show it to anyone?

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I’d change your profile pics, they may be “art” but they’re against forum rules.

Isn’t just a peach with the core showing? :thinking::astonished::joy:

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Look at the header pic too, definitely a vulva.

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I once tried to re create the 70’s classic tennis girl lifting her skirt up a bit (Athena) and I had this image on my bedroom wall about a year - won’t lie - it looked pretty good although when we did the photo it was dusk so a bit dark

If you can try it …


That sounds very sexy, @batjamboree I bet the picture was stunning.

It would be a definite NO for us to exhibit erotic art of ourselves unless we went back in time and became 70’s porn stars. Seriously though, for us, the idea of someone doing this sounds quite self-indulgent and at a level of vainity far exceeding our own.

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closest ive got is one of them model your own penis then turn it into a dildo so she can do it when im not around (probably better) lol

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Bizarrely in the last few months I’ve had an artist who wanted to create a piece of work of me nude and from that I’ve then gained Interest from various others wanting the same so I though eh only live once :smile:
Never thought I’d been seen as worthy but if it brings them joy then guess that’s nice on many levels!

I do think though they probably just enjoy getting free nude pics to wank off to haha

As an artist, I have to question - what exactly defines “erotic” art? I don’t find nudity in itself erotic. The human body is a beautiful creation and not inherently sexual.

For me, erotic art would be depicting some kind of sex act, or at least masturbation. One might argue that an erect penis or an overt sexually-aroused/ready pose could be erotic as well. Not sure if I would commission or do a piece like that. And what location/circumstances would you display it?

My GF, however, is bolder than I am. She has a car that incorporates erotic art. An explicit hood ornament, and lesbian-themed scrimshaw work inset into the steering wheel and dash/console. She also has a set of handguns with nude/erotic scrimshaw grips. My husband did most of the scrimshaw work, although he hasn’t had the time for that hobby in many years.

I do think there’s a difference between erotic art and porn images, although I can’t explain where exactly the dividing line might be.

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I have a smiler view to @awkward-yet-sweet I growing up my mum and step dad had some art work of naked women mostly and a wood calving of a naked man and women. I never saw anything sexual about it or erotic. my partner how ever would class any art work of someone who is naked as erotic and he wouldn’t be comfortable having it in our home. So I probably wouldn’t commission anything of myself anyway and I wouldn’t buy any as it would never see the light of day.

I went to Mexico once and bought my buddy a 14" clay recorder in the shape of a cock and balls.

You could actually play music from it which was fairly impressive. He is a single man, never married and straight (I do believe) but does proudly display this massive dick flute on his shelving unit.

I always get a kick out of seeing this gigantic dick and do have video of him playing a tune. It makes me happy…I suppose it is art but more of a gag gift.

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Reading @awkward-yet-sweet post I would say not erotic but a nude statue of my Mrs or a body cast is something I would love to have

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