Would You Rather?

I haven't seen a thread like this about, so I thought I should make one!

Similar to the "Would you ever?" thread where you answer the above post, then submit your own question but with "Would you rather?; A or B".

This is just a bit of fun, I don't think anyone would be too mean spirited but I thought I should just throw it out there.

Would you rather...

Abstain from anything releated to sex for a month.


Only use the same dildo or toy, for the entire year.


"Abstain from anything related to sex for a month." - having too much fun with experimentation to stop now, a year is a long time.

Would you rather...

A) Pose naked for a glamour magazine.


B) Confess to your naughtiest secret at a family gathering.

Probably pose naked for a magazine. ...I mean Photoshop is a thing, right? SQ

A ______

Would you rather A) have a cameo role in Broad City? or B) have the whole Broad City sex toy collection delivered to your workplace?

I have no idea what Broad City is, but B sounds cool, if the embarrassment was too much I could always leave my job, and still end up with a new stash.

Would you rather:

A) Dress as the opposite sex for a week.


B) No porn for a year.

I watch very little porn anyway but screw it, A would be fun. SQ

A) Dress as the opposite sex for a week A Received anal Or B give anal

A) Receive anal.

Would you rather:

A) Have sex with a different person every day for a month.


B) Have sex with the same person every day for the rest of your life.

B - Same person for the rest of my life (I'm mushy like that) SQ

B the same person the rest of My life A 10 quickies B one amazing session

B one amazing session

Would you rather A pay for sex or B be paid for having sex

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Fake an orgasm, not that easy for a man though (lack off evidence so to speak)

Would you rather a 69 or taking it in turns to pleasure each other

Taking it in turns to pleasure each other! WYR - have sex in a car OR have sex in the sea?

Car ,more possibilities of different positions

W Y R watch each other masturbate or pleasure each other at the same time

Difficult choice, but probably pleasure each other.

WYR be peed on by your partner or watch them pee?

Watch them pee, not experienced a golden shower but not my sort of thing. WYR tie someone up or be tied up?

Not really into that, but I would rather tie someone else up.

WYR have an ass full of cum or a mouth full of cum?

Definitely a mouth full of cum Would you rather..... flogger or paddle?


Would you rather a genital piercing or a tattoo close to your genitals