Your wife and lesbian sex

My wife admitted to me she was sexually confused as a teen, she thought she facied men but had never had a relationship with a man, she knew she fancied women and admitted to her best friend she could be gay. This left her ultra confused until we met, I was and have been her only relationship sexually and emotionally. One thing she knows now is she was then and is bisexual but classes herself as curious as she’d never slept with another woman. Due to this she has many women that she admits to fancying and she always says one day she’d love a lesbian fling. Would I encourage it? I’d like to say I would but can’t guarantee how jealous I would get. But do I fantasise about it? God yes especially with her best friend as she told me she always fancied her and that was the reason why she told her she thought she was gay in a but of hope!! :bikini: X

My. Boyfriend would love to encourage it but first time he mentioned something with another plus me I instantly became jealous and angered. So. since then he has not mentioned it anymore but personally myself I fantasize me messing with another woman okay as long as he’s not involved because I’m too jealous or am I just afraid The Other Woman might catch feelings and ruin our relationship


My wife has a couple of female friends that she likes to think about while she is getting in the mood, or she will sometimes talk about what she would like to do with them while we are having some naughty time, which i love ! :grin:

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When I started my relationship with my current partner I made it clear I’m into girls as well.He was fine with it ,and after a while said he’d love to see me perform with another woman.
The chance came along when, on a night out with a work colleague, we arranged a rendezvous.
On the occasion itself,my OH was mesmerised by watching me and my younger friend make love.It was the first time
he had this experience, and I must admit I didn’t know how he’d react.But he absolutely adored it and deeply satisfied my friend himself after.
I often mention to him if I see a girl I fancy.We have quite similar tastes.I understand this may not be for everyone.
The good news is my OH will have the opportunity to do the same this summer with
same girl, as we are planning to visit her.Hopefully the situation will allow our trip to go ahead!

If I had a wife, it would be lesbian sex every time we had sex :joy: