A journey of sexual awakening

Greetings, fellow adventurers of pleasure! Today, I stand before you as a beacon of newfound liberation and shameless self-exploration. You see, at the ripe age of 42, I’ve embarked on a sexual revolution that could rival any mid-life crisis. After emerging from the doldrums of a 12-year marriage that treated the bedroom as a snooze-fest, I’ve unleashed my inner wild child and set out on a quest to discover uncharted territories of pleasure.

Now, my dear friends, I stand at the precipice of a new and exciting chapter in my life—one where I want to dive headfirst into the world of sex toy testing. As someone who has just scratched the surface of their own sexual awakening, I believe it’s my calling to share my experiences, wisdom, and witty banter with those who are just beginning to explore their own sexualities. After all, if I can turn my once-boring bedroom into a playground of passion and delight, then there’s hope for anyone!

So, join me on this audacious journey of self-love, discovery, and laughter. Let us push boundaries, shatter taboos, and review products with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store. Together, we’ll embrace our inner sexplorers and create a safe space for those who are just beginning to unravel the wonders of their own desires. So, here’s to being 42, fabulous, and ready to take the world of sex toy testing by storm. Let’s shake things up and make pleasure our guiding star!


Congratulations on taking the plunge! It’s a whole new world and this forum is full of beautiful people to offer advice and love. Looking forward to hearing of your adventures :smiling_face:

Morning and welcome 🩶

Good morning and welcome @Shelelu I would recommend reading the The testing guide first to help you get started. Also we have lots of different topics to explore so have a browse.

Welcome, you’re in the right place. :+1:

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stay curious! be adventurous! Enjoy the journey!

Welcome aboard. So out of curiosity, what sparked the change for you?

Hi :wave:t2: @Shelelu and welcome.

Greetings and Welcome @Shelelu :sunglasses:

Hi and welcome @Shelelu

I got divorced and we had a terribly boring sex life now I live alone and can play all I want!

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Greetings mighty man of the awakening! We humbly welcome you by the hand and set forth the intrigue into your grand adventure as you embark beyond the horizon :cowboy_hat_face: May many a sexual delight await you in your exploration!

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Welcome and enjoy your adventure within the world of sex toys I’m sure fulfilment will be your destiny.

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