You two debating over the correct spelling of Daddy/i. I don’t need to do anything from here
Have a hug, better?
You two debating over the correct spelling of Daddy/i. I don’t need to do anything from here
Have a hug, better?
No debate needed both are excepted for the urban dictionary
Cakes in
Now playing a game of Quadrominos, my new family game brought for Christmas
I’m getting to write a list of rules
The server. Why so nervous?
Context for the curious
Glad you’re making progress, it can be a tickling matter of wording sometimes, is it plainly written, serious and playful without being long winded and laborious.
Also how many rules and will the mod understand them like you do. (Intense training montage) Do you use bots to keep the peace, how do you make sure it’s 18+ only or not that way at all.
Glad you have your social media manager to hand.
That’s the key, you want ir formal enough that people take it seriously, not so serious that it reads like Terms & Conditions.
I think it’s fairly easy to understand - pretty “common sense” stuff. If will. It will be age-restricted, obviously, given our very theme. With all that being said, there’s absolutely no reason that the adults should always act like adults
Now hang on there missy
I like Stilton melted on toast or in a sauce for a lasagna or carbonara but licking it from your fingers after playing or eating a clit or after a good rimming, just the imagination of it makes me a little queasy.
Cherry is an absolute must the Lovehoney cherry massage oil and lubes I would buy stocks in the company for that alone.
Mr Levi you are looking at one serious tingle gel with that Ghost Chilli
Got you good sir, my.apologies. I’m not a lasagne fan (I’ll get my jacket ) but carbonara could work. I’m wondering how it could work in a macaroni cheese sauce?
it’s fine, it’s for science
I’m not familiar with Lovehoney’s own cherry range (I’ll have to buy samples, if I may ) but the Durex Very Cherry… man oh man. You’re never too old for a lollipop is all I’m saying
That was my thoughts too. Tiger balm’s bad enough
Please remember the forum rules when posting. Do not engage in 1-on-1 chat. Thank you
It can work well in a macaroni sauce too, it’s best to keep your options open.
I will buy some of the other brands cherry for science as you say and while I’ve not read that you are vegetarian in the many different topics of the forum. It’s also an excellent cheese sauce for veggie lasagna too.
Understood @Lovehoney_Brenna
This topic is open to all to talk and get to know me better after being here only a few months, I will however do better as a forum member to be more inclusive.
My apologies for not doing so.
I’ve found a good technique is to open questions up to everyone, rather than directing replies at one member.
Also important is to avoid inside jokes as these isolate other members from the conversation and make them feel uncomfortable joining in, as they can feel like they are intruding on a closed conversation
I’Il do my best to practice those very techniques.
Time to put my corporate hat back on.
Thanks for the recommendations
I know I haven’t eaten any Harrington Blue Stilton but I’ve still been able to clear the room of people to talk to me .
I promise you all I’ll stick to cheddar little sweet pickle and cherry hedgehogs from now on.
@Tenshadesandme …OOooooooohhhhh, that was harsh on the thistle comment
I’m just glad she didn’t think it prudent to stick it between his cheeks.
We should also not give her ideas.
It’s the quickest way for her to upset all four nations in one go.
It’s a dog eat dog world out there. Eat, or be eaten