An Englishman in disguise!

You just think sweet little old me terrible, don’t you? Do i have any friends here? :joy:

More than you know, this in an inclusive not exclusive place :heart: after all. And there’s nothing wrong about being prepared especially when there’s two Scotsman calling you out one real @Iwill and me the fake one.


Thanks both, it’s lovely to be appreciated.

And @JGood you didn’t clear the room, I just didn’t want to keep chatting and unintentionally get us both into trouble :pensive:

I’m use to trouble, remember I’m a problem solver by nature. I think the volume of conversations in the many different channels and conversations with multiple members is testament to that statement. A balanced and as always open to everyone conversation here or there is not an issue even if 50 plus are between two people it doesn’t mean you are forgetting the forum.

But I appreciate the sentiment, here and there.

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Now Now , we are Gods people , Gentlemen , lovers , Celtic warriors , poets , where the Men are Men and the sheep are nervous :smile:


Experience tells me that if the men are indeed gentlemen, there isn’t much to be nervous of :wink:

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@Domandsub4eva might I suggest an editorial to your post from my getting to know the wonderful Welsh Women in my day they were lovers before being ladies and I’m going to say the same is more likely for the lads too. :wink:

We need more data from the Welsh :wales: contingency of the forum

I dated a Welsh man once, he spent the duration of our riverside date trying to will me to let him stick his whatnot in my rear. Anofher I dated verbally abused me because i wouldn’t give him more than a hug if he didn’t tell his girlfriend about me. I’m sure some of the Welsh are lovely, actually I know they are, but what’s life without a little banter? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Life is both boring and benign without banter, I wonder if that can be added to by anyone else and for anyone who can produce a relevant B word gets a :1st_place_medal: from me. And I don’t take banana as an answer.

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You may have noticed i am a very proud Welshman and being an old fashioned experienced Dominant i believe a lady should be a lady before becoming a Lover , what data is required :grin:

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Of course i know its banter . The ability to laugh at ourselves is an amazing attribute :grinning:


If you don’t laugh, you cry. But also smile, it makes them wonder what you’re up to :grin:

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I would rather they wondered than actually knowing what i am up to , most people would require extensive therapy !!!


Teaches them for asking questions they don’t want the answers to! :grin:

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Many data sets of seeing if women are ladies or lovers first and it really should be a national test.

Then we should take it global. Once we release the first data. :wink::smirk:

I thought the flogger and cane did that.

@JGood belated welcome, it’s great to have you here :blush:

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How enlightening? Pray tell, how does a ‘gentleman’ propose this “test” be conducted, hmm? :smirk::wink:

Ball gags do it better :rofl:


Always a Lady first in my eyes


I agree wholeheartedly and in my posts above I only tease the alternative. There is nothing more tantalising than the courtship of a lady, what she is after that there in lies the reason for the courtship.

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