Any recommendations for the best vibe off love honey please?

I’ve got several rabbits but fancy something different. I adore the body wand. Is there anything a little more intense or powerful?

The clitoral "suction" toys, such as the Womanizer toys, are very intense.

Bullets are normally very powerful, and a different sensation to a wand because they are designed for pinpoint stimulation. I would recommend looking at the We Vibe Tango, the Desire bullets, the Fifty Shades Freed one or the Mantric one is getting some good reviews. If you don't want to spend that sort of money, many battery powered bullets are less than £15 are pretty good, particularly Rocks Off and the Lovehoney branded ones.

If you would prefer something for your G Spot, have you considered a metal or glass dildo? Thye give a firm pressure on the G Spot which many women need.

Kelly has given some great advice.

While the clitoral suction toys are very different and intense, they may not be everyone's cup of tea and they can take some getting used to. They are also pretty pricey...

I'm going to add the Red Hot Flickering tongue to the list just because its stimulation style is quite unique (It does vibrate and flick at your clitoris).

Shelzbelz wrote:

I’ve got several rabbits but fancy something different. I adore the body wand. Is there anything a little more intense or powerful?

Hi! Following this post as a lover of all things that vibrate. I recently bought my first rabbit - will let you all know how it goes! As for other vibrators, are you thinking bullets for external or vibes for inside? I bought this big pink thing a few months ago It's bigger than I anticipated, and pretty powerful on its highest setting, although depending on someone's personal anatomy, might be a little too bulky for external use. For a little bullet, I bought this bullet which is pretty as anything It was reasonably good, but not the most powerful I've ever felt, with some awkward patterns for me personally, but a lot of small bullets like this get raving reviews - perhaps I've just got a fussy fanny haha! Can't wait to see what others recommend!

Just recently purchased this it is an amazing toy

Was the wand any good? Have been toying with getting a wand for a while...

Scuze the pun

Em26th wrote:

Was the wand any good? Have been toying with getting a wand for a while...

Scuze the pun

We have the Lovehoney Mains-powered Classic (as well as a few medium and small wands) and it's too big and industrial for our bedroom style, but in your profile information you say you like forced orgasms and a few people on here have said that it's great for that kind of play. I think they also wrap it in place with some of the bondage tape to make it hands-free. Personally we're much bigger fans of the medium and small wands, but the Classic is highly recommended if you love a lot of power.

Hope this is useful. 🙂

Hi EM26th yes the Lovehoney wand delivers all I want. you can start off on a low setting to a very intense vibration. Hope this helps

Hi Shelbez This an amazing little toy

You won't get much more powerful than a body wand, but it is broad stimulation power. If you want some pin point powerful stimulation then the Desire rechargeable bullet or the Red hot flickering tongue are amazing options. Something completely different is a suction toy, our favourite is the Lelo Sona. The Starlet is good and certainly gets the job done but the Sona has a few more options and intensities.

I recently became the proud owner of a Je Joue Fifi. It's a rabbit, but the vibes are amazing. I've never felt anything like them. Very deep and thuddy - heaven!

You could try the ear-less Uma version and pair it with a different clit vibe if that takes your fancy.

There are so many great toys on Lovehoney. I hate having so many choices as I end up buying too much.

I've started trying to weed out the ones that don't work for me by reading lots of reviews, picking the reviewers who have similar tastes to me and following their recs.

Clitoral stimulation comes in different ways, a wand like the lovehoney wand (mini or mains) is excellent is you want a more deep and rumbling sensation, the lovehoney Desire billet and other similar bullets are excellent for pin point accuracy and more intense sensations. The other option would be a sucky toy like the womanizer starlet, this does a gentle suck and vibrates and has been scientifically created to induce fast and intense orgasms for most.

Another who recommends the fifty shades freed one. It’s amazing it’s the first bullet that has ever given me an Orgasms.

I’d love to try the red hot flickering toy. That I think be my next purchase. Have to be a bit more selective now as we only started end of March really and we have far too many 😂

I'm another vote for the fifty shades one. I wrote it off as gimicky rubbish because I didn't like the series myself, but turns out franchise sex toys don't have to be as lame as the franchise itself!

Super quiet, packs a real punch and rechargeable.

Also, RE not seeing the point, I was mentioning toys to my husband for ages and he ummed and ahhed and finally admitted he was insecure and afraid I'd want to use that more than have sex with him. Now that we've got them he's very into it so it could just be fear of the unknown on your husband's part. Even if he doesn't want to get involved you can get it for yourself and then just gradually introduce the idea to him once you've already got it!

I didn't manage to edit in time but I've also got a mantric realistic vibrator too and that's a good quiet one, also rechargeable. I imagine the bullet version will be a similar level of quiet and it's on sale currently :)