Anyone else have an occasional "purge"?

I sometimes find myself taking stock of my collection of toys and deciding to be brutal about which I still use, which I’m likely to use, and which have been superseded by more recent purchases. Sometimes it’s hard to throw out toys that I’ve enjoyed, but I stick to my guns. Sometimes it’s because I’ve learned a little more about good/bad materials.

Anyone else do this, pare down their collection for more efficiency of choice?


No but I really need to…they’re everywhere…like they’ve been breeding.



Every time I’ve moved house since I started buying toys I get a whole new collection to make settling in even more fun.


We do. We periodically dispose of the toys we’ve stopped using for whatever reason.


Glad it’s not just me. I also find clearing out some “space” makes justifying buying some new exciting stuff a little easier. “Hey, it’s not like I’ve got loads, so a couple more is ok, right?”.


sell them lol

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I do this! A good clear out makes me feel really accomplished :slight_smile:

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I still have several items not even out of the packaging…
One I am saving though as a hen do cake “centrepiece”



my collection is not that big just dont know what to purchase next been buying massage oil from LH at the mo

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I have to Marie Kondo them, “does this thing spark joy?” :joy:


And then buy a Marie Kondo mug to celebrate. :slightly_smiling_face:

(I went to go and get a link to one, but found this $45 Zen Egg instead :slightly_smiling_face:)


Had a clear out a few weeks ago, and yes some were still in the packaging, a few single use vibrating cock rings and one that had an Austin Powers themed package…THAT’s old! But i kept it!


We tend to have an annual clear out. Normally when the box starts to overflow. The main issue actually is trying to put our hands on the specific toy we want whilst in the throws of play. Nothing kills the mood better than ‘just a second, I need to put the light on to find that dildo you like’


I’m a hoarder, I have to get my friend to clear stuff. I did give a huge amount of unused toys still sealed in packaging to somebody who could raffle them off.

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I’ll usually throw things out that no longer work or the material isn’t what I use now. I don’t think I’ve gotten rid of much since I started collecting toys, though. Still have loads :sweat_smile:


I don’t think I have ever chucked any toys - definitely a hoarder.

But there are some bought in the early days which probably don’t even work any more or which take big batteries - they should probably go, at least as far as the bathroom cabinet :grinning:

And there are others which I don’t get on with, like the Mantric Rabbit - can’t throw out something like that!

Lots of ‘shoulds’ and ‘can’ts’ here… who am I kidding? :joy: I ‘should’ put them all in a black bin liner and hide it - see if I miss anything… :+1:

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This, I have realised, is the downside of keeping everything in locked cases except for the favourites in the bedside drawer.
I need a rotation system.


That’s the great thing about VMDay (first Saturday). Everything gets tested, some get tried and a few get rotated.

I’m the world’s biggest hoarder - and it definitely does not spark joy! I wish I had the balls to chuck out/recycle/hand on stuff I’m not fond of but I can’t. I did think it was the effect of being brought up by parents who went through the War and suffered shortages.

My mum, while not a hoarder, was always prepared, and living in the middle of nowhere she did us proud every winter with her autumn stock up. No matter how many power-cuts/snowed-in days we had, we always had food.

She was organised about it. Me, though? It’s just a pile-up. Made worse by my habit of going back and trying everything from make-up to sex toys that didn’t work on me the first time. I frequently find that going back actually makes things work! I honestly wish it didn’t, though. It would be a lot better if I could just happily fling stuff out.


@VR i am of the same mind when it comes to throwing things away. I think it comes from working as a kid to buy the things i wanted. So if i buy something i look after it, and am unwilling to throw stuff away for the sake of it.

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Let me see if I can sort that link out for you. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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