Bathmate Hydromax 70 - Journered experience

Hello All my lovely lovehoney community members!

As my user name suggests I am a shy married guy and I’ve been wanting to blog around this for a very very very long time.

So I recently purchased the bathmate hydromax X70 after somewhat 6 years of debating,

my reasons were two fold,

  1. As I entered my 30s, there have been a few occasions that when the wifey and I get in the mood things are good but as the night progressed after foreplay, I suddenly lose my erection and we have to either wait like 10 mins or stop entirely, never happend in my 20s so you can imagine my confidence levels.

  2. I’m an averaged sized male (you know down there) and I’ve asked my wife about it and she did mention that it’s more than enough for her, naturally I am very happy with my size, the Girth has always been my preve more than anything else.

Enter the Bathmate, after many years of research and multiple reviews and forums, I finally decided to get one, 2 main reasons, enhance blood flow and gain just a bit of girth, not even alot. I am happy with my manhood and I just want that little extra for both me and the MRS

Now as to why I am writing about it and airing my laundry out into the ether, I’m a shy guy, I sometimes struggle to talk to my wyh during sex. Let alone playing out fantasies etc, We have an amazing sex life so I’m not gonna rock the boat just yet. We will get there if we need something to spice our sex life

Problem with being shy is I struggled to talk to her about this and naturally upon my purchase, she has no idea. So I decided to write about my expeirence using the product for other guys / couples as there is not much out there and most of what you read are positive and you know the saying if it sounds too good it probably isnt

Now onto logistics

I am going to post weekly around my journey using the hydromax 70. I am going to follow the recommended training schedule as I did read if you deviate it could have long lasting negative effects,

My natural measurements on my penis is 5.5 inchs in length and 4.5 minchs in girth,

Becuase I am a busy body I will be using a mix ot both the tub and the shower (althoough my order on the shower strap weas cancelled for some odd reason)

Other goal is to track my progress on this site and just have fun with it all, feel free to ask question about my experiences and I will try to be as detailed as possible (and respectful)


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@shymarriedguy it feels like i could have written that, cause im about the same size and recently ordered a bath mate as well. For some reason recently I’ve felt very ashamed of my penis even though i know nothings wrong with it.

After the few times I’ve used it, it definitely looks bigger but I’m holding off doing any measurements till I’ve done about a month of it.

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I feel you bro,

it’s weird becuase I know in my head that I have nothing to worry about but it’s this narly back of the head thought that makes me want to gain girth,

glad to hear you also got the Bathmate, about 2 years ago I did try the normal airpumps and they were soooooo bad! I threw it out after like 3 uses.

Please share your experiences for the forum or alternatively let me know if you post anywhere. I would be happy to contribute. Here’s the creating a community for Dudes and Bathmate!

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Okay I know I said I was going to post once a week but I was too excited to wait to share my first expeirence,

Day 1 - After like 2 to 3 minuetes fo fondlign with the Bathmate trying to figure out how the pressure nozzle works, I was all set.

So I used the bath not the shower as I WFH today and I have time to myself, 1 thing becuase you’re going to be in the bath for roughly 15 minutes, make sure the water tempreture is just right. Hot too hot or cold. During the bath I had to play with the hot and cold taps to get it just right

Next dudes! make sure you’re clean shaven otherwise this thing is gonna hurt. Luckily I maintain a good clean shave

On to logistics 3min pump, 2min massage (okay finger technique) and make sure your not arrosed by your own massage (I suggest going slow for this).

Experience - I am hooked!! like wow, during the pumping after the 1st and 2nd session, every single time I releease the bathmate from my penis I was in awe as I could believe that was mine. Plump luch pink penis (like I was looking at my 18year old penis again). I won’t lie, it got me arrosed so I had to go slow on the massaging.

During the first 2 pumps, My lenght hit the 5.5 inch mark on the bathmate scale (the scale on the actual device) but what was surprising is that during the 3rd time it was already midway between 5.5 and 6. I know this is just temporary but wow if that’s not movation, I don’t know what is.

Next girth, after the 15mins it felt thicker and heavier (due to the blood pressure and flow).

Overall!!! insanely happy. I will do a measurement next Friday


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I tried the air pumps and all they did was leave red marks on the size of my penis, so far haven’t had anything like that with the bath mate, although due to the logistics of it I’m only getting 1 decent pump in a day.

I imagine if you do it like they say you’ll see far better results than what I’ve gotten so far.

Me neither, no idea what movation is. :wink:

Check out my progression blog I did a few years back My bathmate has arrived! And I’m gonna do a progression blog
There’s pros and cons to it, but I’m very interested to see how your story goes

Wadup Lovely Honey Fam,

As promised, this is my weekly update,

As mentioned before this thing is addictive!

Saturday went exactly the same as friday, the wifey was at work so I had time to myself to really get into it, I must say the initial gains are amazing, if anyone is looking for a pick me up then I strongly advise.

now on to the real stuff, I’m a 9 to 5 working man what comes home at 6 to 8 in the afternoon most days, so naturally during the week is a tad bit of a grind to get into,

Mondays are Rugby days and for those that do play, you know how intense it can get, so I only get home around half 8, the good thing though is that I soak off in the tub on Monday nights s ousing the Bathmate was exactly the same routine. I must admit though I did not see the Friday and Saturday gains on the Monday, which is expected becuase of what I put my pelvic muscles through at Rugby

Tuesday was a different story, again I had no time in the afternoon so I had to pump in the morning. Afte ra good nights rest, I was pumped. I woke 15mins earlier than the Mrs and went about my business. on my third pump I decided to go in hard and push my limits with like 30secs left and made it all that way to the 6inch mark (super excited) but there was some discomfort some I immediately released the pressure

Wednesday went about the same as Tuesday

Thursday was meant to be my break day as I read that you shouold be pumping 5 days a week with 2 rest day (mine are Sundays and Thursdays) but guess was. The wife and decided to go for date night, we get home super horny and the wife says go take a shower and meet me in the bedroom. I immediately grab my pump and take a nice 15min shower. pushing to my limit of 6inch, surprise surprise no discomfort (couldve been the alcohol). Glad to say it was a good night (the Mrs might be catching on that something is different but it’s too early to tell)\

Only to the logistics of today, pumped agan (6th out of 7days), I feel like this is my routine 6 days in and 1 day rest, you know, listening to wha my body is telling me, naturally if there are any small signs of overuse I will dial it down

what I am noticing, in the 3 pumps you do, the first pump you should take it to your natural length, the second pump should be half way between your natrual lenght and max and third pump should be your max and that is what I did today and everything went a okay. I must admit I am loving the look of my penis

next observation, this thing is totally temporary, my gains last about 2 to 3 hours and start to revert. Like I said I’m a grower not a shower but I have noticed my flaccid state a lot longer

in terms of first week progress, After todays pumping session ,I measured at 6inchs in length and 5inchs in girth.

I read that initial gains are the most so that is not bad at all, my goal is 5.5ich girth so I’m almost there

I forgot to mention that after every session I use a erection cream as I did notice that my penis gets a bit dried out and I was to prompt my skin strectching in a good way

I also did noticed post pump, erections are getting a lot hardly,

So gentz and ladies, my overall experience has been extremely positive, I am an average working class male so I would say the biggest difficulty thus far is the logics during the week but the trade offs are so much better.

Keep looking out for my weekly posts



Apologies on the typos, I was in a rush to get this out,

Hi Love Honey Fam

Apologies I’ve been out with the flu. I’ll be posting this Friday.

No worries! Im keeping an eye here as i recently purchased a bathmate, used it once but havent had much time to use it. Nice to see how other people are experiancing them!

Hope you feel better soon!

Wordup Fam

Soooo I’m back, apologies again, I was on the mend last week and resumed my pumping from last Friday

Experience wise, I’m addicted!!!

I’m getting into a good routine now, I’ve pumped everyday since Friday as I decided to amp up my routine and let me body dictate when to rest,

For instance, today is my rest day as it feels like my penis is telling me dude let’s chill today.

So some advice, I’ve pumped semi-erect, erect and flaccid, for me I prefer pumping erect, I notice the most gains.

Also since the start, I’ve noticed more blood flow and a thicker and fuller penis.

I pump in the shower as it’s easier for me, I kinda get bored in the bathtub. I pump in the morning and the gains are starting to last most of the day,

in terms of measurements, fully erect pre-pump I am sitting at 6inchs now (compared to the 5.5 inchs pre-bathmate) and 6.2 inchs in length post pumping

in terms of girth I’m sitting at the standard 4.5 inchs pre-pump and 5.2inchs post pump

So significant gains and if this stays as is, I can definetely say I am more than happy. Confidence is through the roof.

My goals are on track and if I had to say my aim is to ensure the gains that I currently have last longer (like a day and a half) - especially the girth. So this is goal number 3 with goal 1 and 2 being reached. I don’t think I’m ever going back

Sidenote: I think my wife might be noticing the size difference, she’s been enoying it but hasn’t said anything.

Just one small drawback I’ve noticed, because I’m uncut, it seems like my skin gets stretched when i am pumping all out and I noticed it swell sometimes post pumping and when my erection goes down, so for now I am going to monitor this and do a bit of research on this.

Yeah you’ll find you may get some dryness after pumping for a while, I used to moisturise after a pumping session to keep things from drying up, don’t do this before as oils in creams can make rubber perish, I also found using a cock ring helpful as after a while it will seem like a chore, but that did result in my cock becoming two toned!

Hey fam


So weekly check-in, I’m gonna keep it short and sweet,

so decided to let me body dictate the tempo at which I pump as I was getting super antsy on the recommended routine as mentioned above, this week I had two break days listening to my body but I also had two days were i pumped in the morning and in the afternoon, it was amazing!!! good results,

I also started reading through my replys and I am going to respond now,

but for my measurements, unfortunately I did forget a pre-pump measurement but post-pump I am sitting at 6.4 ichs Length and 5.1 in girth, super impressed as always,

Looking forward to next weeks results!!! side note, I wonder how far I can push my body and also I am now considering a C-ring and Enlargement gel for that post pump dryness

Hey Man!!!

very very helpful on your posts,

I just mentioed this in my next post, I am going to start with the C-Ring and enlargement cream for that post pump dryness,

Also why did you stop!!! what did the Mrs say about stopping?

Bruh super addictive,

glad you’re following, like I said there isn’t much out there so I wanted to give honest feedback, if you have any questions, feel free to ask,

But you’re in for a hell of ride

Breaker? You may be limited to 3 comments in a row, even if you’re replying to others.

I stopped because after a few months it became a chore, mrstoysrus knew I was doing it and was impressed with the results at first, but it got to the stage where my size was getting a bit uncomfortable for her, I was originally planning on going up to the next size, but she said another half inch or more wouldn’t be nice for her any more, but be aware when using a cock ring that the blood stays in your cock for longer because of the restricted flow and that made my cock two toned, almost like one half was bruised, and that took months for that to go even after stopping pumping completely, I would suggest if you pump 5 times a week, then maybe only use the ring twice a week like on the Tuesday and Thursday

Nice and like how long did you use the ring for? Or was it just after pumping?

Another tips and tricks you discovered.

Like I feel I need a ring after I play sport and pump because my erection is gone like straight after pumping. Not sure if this is productive or not

I was using it during pumping to get maximum effect, but as mentioned it did come with drawbacks!