Hello All my lovely lovehoney community members!
As my user name suggests I am a shy married guy and I’ve been wanting to blog around this for a very very very long time.
So I recently purchased the bathmate hydromax X70 after somewhat 6 years of debating,
my reasons were two fold,
As I entered my 30s, there have been a few occasions that when the wifey and I get in the mood things are good but as the night progressed after foreplay, I suddenly lose my erection and we have to either wait like 10 mins or stop entirely, never happend in my 20s so you can imagine my confidence levels.
I’m an averaged sized male (you know down there) and I’ve asked my wife about it and she did mention that it’s more than enough for her, naturally I am very happy with my size, the Girth has always been my preve more than anything else.
Enter the Bathmate, after many years of research and multiple reviews and forums, I finally decided to get one, 2 main reasons, enhance blood flow and gain just a bit of girth, not even alot. I am happy with my manhood and I just want that little extra for both me and the MRS
Now as to why I am writing about it and airing my laundry out into the ether, I’m a shy guy, I sometimes struggle to talk to my wyh during sex. Let alone playing out fantasies etc, We have an amazing sex life so I’m not gonna rock the boat just yet. We will get there if we need something to spice our sex life
Problem with being shy is I struggled to talk to her about this and naturally upon my purchase, she has no idea. So I decided to write about my expeirence using the product for other guys / couples as there is not much out there and most of what you read are positive and you know the saying if it sounds too good it probably isnt
Now onto logistics
I am going to post weekly around my journey using the hydromax 70. I am going to follow the recommended training schedule as I did read if you deviate it could have long lasting negative effects,
My natural measurements on my penis is 5.5 inchs in length and 4.5 minchs in girth,
Becuase I am a busy body I will be using a mix ot both the tub and the shower (althoough my order on the shower strap weas cancelled for some odd reason)
Other goal is to track my progress on this site and just have fun with it all, feel free to ask question about my experiences and I will try to be as detailed as possible (and respectful)