BATHMATE, would I be allowed to start a progress thread?

After scrolling through some posts, I’ve noticed that there is a fair few members who are insecure regarding their size and would like to increase their size (I’m not insecure but being in the "Adverage bracket) I’d like to gain a bit too.

After trying my hydro7 routine, I did notice an increase expecially around the 6 week but I stopped due to getting red spots and never did it again. (I have read countless forums and various routines) I honestly believe I’ve found a routine that 100% works (with proof)

My plan is to purchase the hydromax 7 add a few other exercises into a main routine that I will dedicate myself too.

The hydro is good for a short term gain however, I believe if completely committing to a routine for at least 6 - 9 months you will see true, fuller for longer and permanent gains!

If ok with admin and members, I’d like start a progress thread over 12 months. I’d be noting exactly what my routine will be day to day and every 4 weeks giving updates on any gains made, happy to add pics for proof if admin allow?


A progress thread is certainly allowed as @ToysRusDevon has a great one, My bathmate has arrived! And I’m gonna do a progression blog, which I see you’ve commented on.

You will not be allowed to share photos of your penis on this forum though as that is very much against the photo rules even if it is just for evidential proof to support the blog.

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I really love the sounds of this! Yes I vote you should go ahead with a progress threat :smiley:

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Definitely do it, it certainly would be something of interest for those who may be considering investing in one.

Ok cool, I’m not going to start using the Hyro7 for a few weeks then change to the hydromax7 once it arrives. I’m just waiting on one more device to arrive then I’ll be starting the routine.

Kind of a shame there’s no way to prove the results (if any) so members know its true before/after results, unless anybody has any ideas lol.

Routine will also include clamping, hanging and jelquing. 5 days on 2 days off.

Haven’t fully finished researching the best workout routine (times/reps)

My draft programme so far consists of…

Hanging 30mins
Jelquing 1 x15 min routine
Bathmate 3x5mins
Clamping 10/15 mins

Like I said, not final but that’s what I’ll be doing every day 5 days a week.

What’s clamping? That’s a new one for me