Battery replacement for Rocks Off bullet?

Hi you gorgeous lot​:smiley:

Where does everyone get there replacement bullet batteries from? I bought my wife the “rocks off” bullet & it’s starting to slow down & she will​:scream: if it dies on her???


But you can also find them in decent sized supermarkets :+1:


Thank you SOO much @Green_Eyed_Girl your a :star:


No worries.
Waiting for a decent rechargable bullet to get reduced is also a good trick.
Those tichy batteries are stupidly expensive for their size.

(This is a good one to keep an eye on. They get reduced in one colour or another pretty regularly)


I will keep an eye out​:smiley: are the as powerful though as the battery ones?

rechargables ones are alot more powerful than battery powered.
The mantric and desire bullets are also really nice and rumbly.
The glow is surprisingly strong and affordable though. It in my bag of regular bullets :grin:


Which one is the glow please?

@FD1 i would corroborate what @Green_Eyed_Girl says. Get something rechargeable, i never buy battery toys now - too much faff if something doesnt use AA or AAA batteries. Plus, with rechargeable you usually get a light or warning it needs recharging. :star2: :star_struck:

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This one. Comes in 3 colours and also in a few sex toy kits if you have a look through the shop


:star: I thought it might be that one, just wanted to check​:smiley:

One more question, if you don’t mind :pray:t2:
How many vibrating patterns does it have, as my wife loves the start stop pattern & the slow to fast pattern on the rocks off bullet?

Theres alot of start-stop ones, and some dot, dot, dot, dash, dash ones of various combinations. Theres a pretty fast revving one too that is nice.

Its got 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns.

I did a mini review for it as it was part of the xmas calendar


I chucked the Rocks Off out when I realised the cost of the batteries. My wife loves this rechargeable - she never gets as far as the sleeves or patterns but I find both worthwhile on occasion. :heartbeat:

They do have quite a few patterns.
Something to bear in mind, some ranges, like the mantric toys, all use the same charging cable.
It doesnt get mentioned very often, but if you have the bullet, the pebble and the wand from mantric, not having to faff around trying to find to sodding cable is VERY handy indeed. We have USB sockets by our bed side tables, the mantric charging cable is permanently plugged in.

The mantric bullet is very good, the desire has been too powerful at times for us, she needs to be well warmed up for it. The tracey cox squishy blue bullet uses the same charger as mantric too (i suspect same motor too, but the squishy outer layer makes it a very different proposition) and is most excellent too.

Once you’ve gone rechargeable, you wont look at your battery powered toys anymore.