BJ Advice

Hi, does anybody have any good advice on how to improve your skills with giving a blowjob? I’d really appreciate suggestions from those who are on the giving side of the blowjob :pray:

I love the action, but I’m still inexperienced. I’ve communicated with my boyfriend recently, his feedback was too much saliva/sloppy, lose my breath quickly/gagging, and inconsistent rhythm. He’s pretty well-endowed, so my mouth tends to get sore staying open. And I also use my hands during the act.

30 minutes is usually how long our sessions last, but it seems to ends with a handjob instead. I want him to feel good as much as he does with me. Not sure if I should I invest in a dildo toy that’s similar to him to use as practice instead :thinking::thought_balloon:


Continuing for 30 minutes, you have some stamina.

If you use the search function in the forum there are quite a number of threads on this topic.


@anna_triche 30 minutes is too long

Firstly to encourage him to finish you need to apply a bit tighter pressure with your lips - you will find he will cum quicker

As for technique- it’s all good but attempt to both play with his manhood with hands and then mouth and repeat

As for gagging - you will improve in time


I enjoy when my OH doesn’t just go straight to the sucking. A bit of kissing the area, a bit of licking, blowing and kissing up and down the shaft feels good too.

(I appreciate you asked for other givers advice but threw my hat in.)

((Also….I didn’t know they could ever be too sloppy. Just shows everyone has different preferences!!))

Good luck, and also make sure the situation/atmosphere and environment are right. Sometimes it’s not always about just getting down there and going for it. Set the mood a little and build up with other foreplay, maybe a dance or teasing kisses and dirty talk?

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Hey @anna_triche have you read the Lovehoney tips yet? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t just concentrate on having his dick in your mouth
Licking around the glans is very stimulating
Also up n down the shaft
Both these are very exciting visually too
Look him in the eyes as you do it
Also lots of spit and drool is a very visual thing to see for a guy take a look at some bj porn too see this
Alternatively use your hands more no guy ever thought being wanked wasn’t a bonus


Oh and maybe try some anal stimulus on him he might be wanting to ask but embarrassed
It’s something that I usually do when masturbating and I cum really quick then

Maybe do some research with porn clips to see what sort of techniques they use that you could give a try :nerd_face:

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@anna_triche what you are doing with you boyfriend is anything but inexperienced, and as others have mentioned everyone is different.

Changing the angle, depth, suction, gentle use of teeth, kisses, licks and ball play all have an effect. There are so many things to try why should he get all the fun? Do it while in a 69 or talk of fantasies about where you might like to be giving the blowjob instead of the room you are in. Dancing before, grinding while washing up, massages or master ate him while he’s working at the table then go in for the kill.

Play follow the leader while watching blowjob porn together and see how long he lasts. Just keep having fun and openly talk about what you both are enjoying and then do more.

Hope you have fun practicing.

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One tip is to bend your head back. This will align your mouth opening with your throat in a horizontal way, and it will allow the penis to go into your throat without hitting the back of your throat. Like you said, you may gag, but you may be able to control the gagging reflex with practice. Also, YouTube has some good videos. You may have to login to see these, but the titles that I found are:

How To Give A Good Blow Job - Expert Oral Tips For Women
HOW TO GIVE A BLOW JOB | 10 Tips for an Ultimate Blow Job
Deep Throating 101 - Blow His Mind And Other Things With This

The best way to view these is to go the the YouTube website and search for these titles.


I’ve always found that using my tongue and sort of licking whilst sucking tends to make them finish pretty quick :flushed:

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30 MINUTES?! Good lord, you deserve a medal!


I’ve never given a BJ and sure as hell never plan on giving one :joy: but I have received plenty so can only give advice on what I like. Personally I like a mix of mouth and hands, alternating between a bj and a hj. Some swirling of the tongue around the head but not to firm just nice and gentle. A firm pressure on the shaft with the lips with a nice rhythm. Lots of licking up and down the shaft and personally I don’t understand his complaint about it being the too sloppy, I reckon the majority of blokes would enjoy a bit of hawk tuah :joy:…. Extra points if you position yourself so he can see the action, one of the best parts of a bj is the visual stimulation. He seems happy to tell you what you’re doing wrong be sure to ask him what you’re doing right and what would improve things for him rather than making you guess.

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I do a combination of shaft licking ,having just the head inside the mouth and doing circles around the head with my tounge or flicking movements with my tounge while using my hand on the rest of the shaft or pressing and tickling the area between balls and Anus or pressing closer almost on the anus drives him wild :slight_smile:


I have never been overly interested in giving blow jobs in the past. I have a super sensitive gag reflex and I thought it would be a masive turn off having me gag on his cock so I just never bothered and if I did it was always a couple quick sucks and move onto something else. But, since watching porn a bit more and being open with hubby about my gagging I have actually started enjoying it. Yes I still gag, no I can’t take him all and deep throat, but I absolutely love licking and sucking and making him cum in my mouth. He goes crazy when I lick the entire length of his shaft so I do a lot of that and circling the tip with my tongue. You can also focus on his balls and licking and sucking them gently. And definitely incorporate your hands too. Doesn’t have to be all your mouth. Learn some lingham massage techniques.

And 30 minutes is a bloody long time! My jaw would be well and truly cramped by then. If you like longer sessions you could try giving a blow job for a while, incorporating some hands, then move to something else then go back to it.

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Wow. 30 mins. I dont think i would have the patience for that!
Hubby is average size but i still gag and it gets very sloppy. He loves it but everyone to their own. You can work on training your gag reflex over time if YOU wanted to do that.
As other have said. Make a fuss of it. Use teeth, hands, different sensations. My fave is to have a mouthful of prosecco and slowly dribble it onto him. The sensation drives him crazy and then plunging his cock into my moujth when its still full so he can feel the fizz if yhe bubbles. He also loves when i lick the area between his balls and arse with some pressure. Just keep going and work together so you both find whats good!

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As the woman who was once told that her “mouth is a dangerous weapon” and his “kryptonite”, despite only ever giving blowjobs to one man, I think I got this :wink:

My personal experience with blowjobs/cock worship, and I was thinking about this (shamefully) the other day, is that you need to form a connection with his cock; you need to form an affinity with it. Get that right, and you will find you want to please him; you will put heart and soul into doing so.

Lots and lots of tongue love, if you can curl your tongue, all the better. Use the back of your tongue as well as the tip. Lick, kiss, lick, kiss. Let him feel your love. Make eye contact (not too intense, now is not the time for a staring contest) and moan softly, let him hear your enjoying it too.

I hope that helps with some of the foundations. Technique is great, but if you’re not really enjoying it, the chances are he won’t, either :slight_smile:


Ohh I see, thanks for your opinion & words of advice!

I tend to use my hands from time to time, but your suggestion about changing lip pressure is a really good point :blush::+1:

Hmmm yes, I usually build up tension with kissing, licking, and stroking before the actual act. But maybe it’s more about the mood/atmosphere that builds up to it :thought_balloon:

Dirty talk definitely happens without a doubt, but never tried dancing before. Maybe I’ll try a slow, strip tease because clothes rarely stay on long enough when it’s our alone time :sweat_smile:

Yeah I’ve heard sloppy was good, but apparently my OH isn’t all about the messiness afterwards. He said I’m the first to really enjoy getting down & dirty haha :laughing:

Ohh I haven’t yet, thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it & give them a read as well :nerd_face: :open_book:

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