(from the Sandbox)
Images in Polls
You can pop an image in a poll. Just set your poll up and insert it as normal (using dummy options if you need to), and then add the images to the code once it’s in your reply window.
So you can have a picture poll like this:
0 voters
And you can click here to see the code for one of the options to see what goes where:
[poll name=“How Precise” type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
# How precise do you prefer?
*  <br> [Zumio X Rechargeable Deep Stimulation SpiroTIP Clitoral Stimulator](https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/sex-toys/vibrators/clitoral-vibrators/p/zumio-x-rechargeable-deep-stimulation-spirotip-clitoral-stimulator/a38825g71411.html)
Edit: (extra tidbit) If you look at the code closely you’ll see that each poll option is basically an image and a link in a bullet point (with a <br> to force a linebreak in). There’s a lot of text, but stripped down it’s:
# Title Text
* [image] <br> [display text](product link)
* [image] <br> [display text](product link)
* [image] <br> [display text](product link)
Having the image as well as the link allows the poll option to be ticked without accidentally following the link instead.
0 voters
So, there you go. If you’ve got a choice of lingerie you want to take a quick temperature check on this might be the poll for you.