Boyfriend wearing thong for work?

I find thongs much more comfortable in general and have been wearing them for years. Wife doesn’t mind at all and knows I wear them for work generally.


I might be out or touch but haven’t thongs become standard for men as well now?


Really???. Not sure about that but it would be hugely welcome if they were.

My husband only has thongs, so that’s all he wears. They are fairly mainstream for men now, but it is still hard to get decent ones that aren’t comic.

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Theres a British company in the Midlands that do loads of guys thongs there name is very similar to your first name, an example is my avatar

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From the more ‘manly/industrial’ industry I work in, aswell as make friends in more office based jobs. I have to beg to differ

I would love to wear mine all week but the grief I’d get from work for being seen working away with a whale tail showing from my crack just isn’t worth it

Unless every male around me keeps it a secret I find that pretty much none of them would wear a male thong.


I’m not suggesting everyone wears them, or even a majority, but I think they are one of the choices men have in the mainstream.

I wear thongs or panties every day.Have been spotted by at least three colleagues now.Two admitted they too wear them and the one said he had on French Style knickers that day himself.I had expected a bit of gentle ribbing from at least one of them but far from it.Whenever a member of the opposite sex has clocked me they are always very complimentary and often say their OH’s wear similar or admitting they would like them too.I wish retailers would just put some of these items actually in the mens section with male sizes on them and break down this outdated stupid stigma we seem to be stuck with in these modern times relating to these wonderful items of clothing.


How did you find out he liked wearing them?

Have you gone to shops together to pick some out?

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One day my wife made me wear a bra for a bit of fun.We had great sex whilst i was wearing it so i told her that i loved wearing lingerie.I thought i may have a negative reaction but following on from her suggestion to wear a bra it seemed a perfect oppurtunity and one which worked very well indeed.I buy quite a bit of stuff from LH but often when out shopping with wife we will purchase lingerie together.We always get knowing looks and generally a smile or a grin from the checkout girls as it is obvious due to a big difference in our sizes the garments are for intended for both of us to wear.


Wow, so lucky. Would love my partner to be open to this. Tried talking about it a few times but no luck.

My dream would be for us to walk around the shops picking out matching lingerie for us.

Had you talked about the idea before she suggested the bra or was that out of the blue?


My hubby has worn thongs on and off (no pun intended) for the last 20 years, since his early 20’s. I think they have definitely become more mainstream just by the number of brands and styles available and he has said the same. I have a number of girlfriends, similar age and younger who have mentioned about men wearing thongs, but like my hubby, their partners would not want anyone else to know they wore them.


Hi,it was totally out of the blue.When we met she was quite vanilla but with me being older she was keen to experiment.The bra wearing was for a bit of fun but a heaven sent oppurtunity for me to broach the subject of my love of lingerie.I gradually added a few items afterwards and bought her some sexy stuff and its grown from there.It is lovely choosing lingerie together and now she even makes a point of letting it slip to the sales people the items are for us both though as i mentioned with the size difference its obvious really.I hope your partner soon comes round to the idea of both how relaxing it is to wear but also just how through the roof your sex life goes when you both indulge in these wonderful garments.I am honestly horny all the time as well as being far more calm and relaxed than i would be in boring mens stuff.Maybe try tempting him with an extra special treat of some sort as you try and slide your worn panties up his legs.It may be he is just a little embarrassed and just needs that extra little nudge.When i first dressed in full on lingerie i made sure i also gave the wife the seeing to of her life which also pretty much sold to her the benefits of a lingerie clad hubby.Good Luck :smiley:


I agree I think there are more options , with more companies adding thongs to their product lines . I think that is awesome. I do think the acceptance side still has to catch up I am to with luscious laura’s husband and friends . I like wearing them , but its something I don’ t want others know.


I’m a plumber and have worn thongs every day for 20 years plus, been caught out a few times! Theres generally a bit of ribbing , but in the main noone really cares…
A couple of guys have awkwardly asked where they can get some too


My boyfriend has been wearing thongs since last year, to start with it was just for when we were together, but he likes them and wears them more often now. Not sure if he wears them in the day for uni but will have to find out!


I have been wearing thongs for 8 years exclusively.
I’m thinking about throwing some boxers back in the mix.
Have you ever done this.
And how did it turn out?


I have some boxer briefs that I mix in from time to time. When I do wear them it does take a little time to get used to them again. The elastic and material on the legs is what I notice right away . I don’t mind them , its certainly nice try other styles once and while. After wearing them , I find I can’t wait to get back into a thong. When I find I need to have some more coverage or don’t feel like wearing a thong , I tend to wear bikini briefs . Kind of the happy medium I guess.


Lol, so I just had to check with him as I was really interested to know how often he wore them. He said he actually likes wearing a thong, finds them comfortable and got used to them so has been wearing them more often than I thought.


Thongs are all I wear at this point. Threw on a pair of boxer briefs recently for something (don’t remember what) and couldn’t stand how they felt on my thighs anymore lol. I have a few sexier pairs that I wear for sexy times, but they come off quickly lol :joy: thongs are just so much more comfortable, which has honestly surprised me.