Dr Lovehoney think you should hav gone SPECTRA SAVERS MATE
Some women dream of waking up to the Prof over them. For others, it doesn't go down so well.
Why Dr Acula, what big teeth you have, but such soft hands...
But Dr Acula, are you sure this is the best way to check my temperature?
She could always COUNT on Dr Acula
"Are you sure you're a real dentist?"
"Just open your mouth my dear, and say Aaaaaargh!"
Dr Acula's wife couldn't get to sleep at night.........because of his coffin
"Er... it said 'Take one before bedtime to promote relaxation, improve your mood and to ensure a good night's sleep'. Do you want a glass of water?"
"My, what lovely pillows you have..."
"They're impossible to swallow, but they give you a terrific buzz..."
Vampette - "I vant to suck your ..."
Dr vonLoveHoney - "Blood?"
Vampette - "Vell, zat vould be my secont choice."
"Yes, it does taste quite salty, now you mention it."
Dr vonLoveHoney - "Be honest, now; you've never seen one this big, have you?"
Vampette - "Put it zis vay, my ex voz known as "Ze Impaler"!"
The new nanny had a gint in her eyes that Uncle Fester could not resist, no matter how much pain he knew she was going to inflict.
Tim thought introducing his new wife to the Fang Banger he had just bought would spice things up, little did he know she had her own set of fangs!!!
Professor Frankenstein & Co is pleased to release its new and improved vampire fang sharpener, the DBO3, now with added slit for that that perfect line of blood from the bite, for that last amazing lick.
For those times when you only get one bite, for that long suck, for that release..... the DBO3 is the only way to go!Dr. Lovehoney "This, my dear, is an experimental vibrating thermometer gauranteed to get your temperature up"
This dipstick, er I mean lipstick will make your lips tingle!
Dr. Lovehoney "Insert two batteries, four times a day. it won't cure yor cold but it'll take your mind off it".
Dr. Lovehoney : "You've been doing what?!. NO, NO, NO!, the suppositories come in totally different packaging"