Car sex

Thanks for this, I guess it is slightly less of a “public place” issue as you are technically in your own personal space?

Good advice regarding the clothing, thanks, we were thinking along the line of skater dress with crotchless knickers, and then elasticated waste chino/jeans (with a shirt of course lol) so that whilst out for dinner we look smart, but if/when we pull over we have plenty of access, but that is easy to cover up again.

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I think sex in public is only illegal if you intend to cause offence or expect to be seen. If you have found a secluded area where you do not expect to be seen you will mostly likely just be told by police to stop and move on but if you have found the right place you shouldn’t be found.
Google satalite maps and street view are fantastic tools for scouting out potential places. If it looks like an obvious dogging area it probably is so try to avoid those if you can.
Good luck.


Thank you, thats the reassurance we needed. Google Maps here we come (or should that be cum :joy:)


I think its only and offence if somebody is offended and someone can only be offended if you intend to offend.
Obviously avoiding areas near schools or play areas is a must but quiet country lanes should be fine.


We have an abundance of country lanes around where we are, so I guess we just need to find one where there isn’t much night time traffic! :slight_smile:

I actually looked into this a number of years ago. I don’t fully remember all the technicalities, but (from memory) it was along the lines of:

  • sex in your house is fine, even if you’re in plain sight.
  • sex in public is illegal (I think under the sexual offences act?). The definition of ‘Public’ is along the lines of there being a risk of being seen by two or more people. It’s also illegal to intentionally get your bits out with the intention of being seen… think ‘flashers’.
  • sex in isolated places outside of your home (which I think covers cars etc, I don’t know if this also covers locations eg sex outside of a car but in an ‘isolated spot’) is technically ok so long as you can reasonably expect privacy… so if you get caught you need to stop as you can’t reasonably expect privacy any more; no sex outside of the car as then it’s in public and isn’t isolated; at daytime on a busy road seems unreasonable to expect privacy, but up a mountain off the road and at night is probably reasonable (ignore the safety of that!). All of this being that 1) you’re not trespassing, and 2) you’re not doing things whilst driving, both of which by default make it illegal.

I was having a reasonable amount of sex in my car at the time, so wanted to know where I stood if I got caught. One of the women wanted to be bent over my bonnet for anal sex, which in hindsight definitely wouldn’t have been legal. I won’t confirm or deny if this happened.

Goes without saying, but don’t take my words as legal advice :sweat_smile: I am not a lawyer, just a very horny individual.


Thanks for this… we are a in a similar boat in that we just want to know where we stand if we do get caught. Useful info that you have provided, so can take this into consideration when trying to pick a spot!

In terms of risk, you probably have less risk of being caught at it, than finding a comfortable position in a modern car to get at it. :wink::rofl:


@Gareth has given you exactly what i was going from in my memory. I researched as wanted to know the law if caught.
One of my experiences watch out for farm drives. Milk tankers arrive to collect in the middle of the night.

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Don’t get me wrong @Holly_Love I’m grateful to both of you for your knowledge - its just useful to know the technicalities etc as well :slight_smile:

Thats a good shout about farmers and milkies, they seem to work all the hours that the rest of us are trying to have fun… Hopefully the sort of time we’ll be on the road will be some time between 9 and 11, so hopefully they will still be at home!

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If anybody wants to try something a little more challenging , try motorcycle sex . Balance is critical and no side motion and hopefully not enough forward thrusting to knock it off the center stand . The most plush was my Honda Goldwing , and it had the best stereo .[quote=“Oldman, post:40, topic:268212, full:true”]

I have only been given a hand job by the pillion on a bike. It was enough for me.


This most certainly is illegal if in public, or in use.

Don’t think it was ‘most certainly’ illegal back then, after all many countries still allow handheld mobile while driving.
There was a thread years ago about hand jobs while driving when LH wasn’t quite so prudish.

I don’t think it’s prudish to highlight that something someone suggests to try if they want to do something a little more challenging is illegal.
I also won’t profess to know the law of every country, but I’d be surprised if it’s legal in any.

Haven’t had sex in a car since HS, but would love to try it again!!

We had the perfect areas around the town I grew up, lots of rural areas with dead end dirt roads.

Can’t imagine find a place like that in the UK to do that!!

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Lol!!! Don’t think I’d be that risky, I don’t think :wink:


Car sex is literally the best, when me and OH started going out because we were keeping our relationship a secret from everyone we would regularly have had car sex. The thrill of the risk of being caught made it so much more fun and daring!!


You are right, it wont be easy to find somewhere, but sometimes you just have to keep your eyes peeled whilst driving for the right place to pull off, the further off the main roads you get, the more likely you are to find somewhere (I hope) :smiley:

@Curiouscouple1990 Lucky you, good night in the car park and a free bonnet wash!

On a bonnet I like the idea of the car being a little bit dirty, just so the little clean ass print/2 hand prints on the bonnet gives a subtle hint to everyone as to what has gone on there!

@sexykitten3080 - I’ve been there before, but it wasn’t really a proper loving relationship at the time. Now its about finding new things with my partner of 8 years to keep that spark and excitement of trying something new alive!

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Goes back to the ass print and hand prints. The water run marks coming down from the ass prints will show how much she enjoyed it to anyone who looked at your car :wink:

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