🕵️‍♀ Check your reviews?

Hey! So since the move over the community as a whole hasn’t been able to help new potential testers with their reviews as much, as we can no longer see live reviews all in one place.

So! I’m happy to take some time today to go exploring in peoples review profiles and give some feedback on what could improve your chances of being selected as a tester (if anything is needed).

As I know this is a commonly asked question, and it seems that I am the only one that can answer it now :woman_facepalming: (I miss review profiles too! :sob:)

Edit: Current testers, you probably don’t need to check :slight_smile:


Hi Brenna… Yes I’d love you to give me some feedback, my wife and I would love to become a tester


@Married_Man30 Your reviews are really good! But there are only 3 of them :frowning: We look for between 7-10 reviews before tester items are sent. If you could write a few more reviews like the ones you already have, you’ll be ready to start volunteering for items :smiley:


Thanks Brenna, I’ll submit some reviews from the other toys we’ve bought… We’ve recently perchance a few recently that need some attention :grinning:


Always happy to learn how I can improve!

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You’re all good! Couldn’t ask for more :smiley:


@Lovehoney_Brenna hi would be grateful if you could give some feed back on my reviews thanks

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You have a couple of really good reviews, but also quite a few short ones. A couple of longer reviews and you should be good to go!

It is worth having a read back of the review before posting, as spelling and grammar are no longer corrected in the reviews. I find writing them in a word document helpful as it will highlight any errors I have made :slight_smile:


Hi Brenna!

We would love to become testers for you guys but I seem to have run out of things to review :man_shrugging:t3::joy: can you recommend anything to help us along?
Thanks in advance

Thanks Brenna for your feed back much appreciated

@G_and_S Your most recent reviews are perfect! The earlier ones were a little too short, if you write a few more reviews similar to your most recent ones then you should be good to go! :smiley:

Hi Brenna
Would love feedback to improve please

Hi Brenna, used to get a fair amount of testers but recently seem to have been forgotten!

Any reason and and any advice on to get involved again. Thank you


Thanks for that! I’ll dig trough our toy box again and see if we’ve missed out anything :wink::joy: I’m also getting on the deal if the day today so that’ll be at least one more to the list :grin:

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@Racer248 I can see that you were quite late submitting your last tester review, reviews need to be submitted within the deadline as late reviews can affect the launching of new products and make other departments question where the review is.

I can only suggest consistently writing new reviews to show you are committed to the review programme. Sorry it is not better news :frowning: :see_no_evil:


Me and my wife would love to become testers have recently joined onlyfans so would love to show off toys and underwear and review them for you.
I guess we would have to purchase. 7/10 products before we are able to become testers

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Hi Brenna. Any feedback would be great. Thanks for doing this.

@Pmcgc84 Correct, you would need to submit 7-10 well written reviews before you would be considered. Your most recent review is very good, if they were all written to this standard you will be good to go! :smiley:

Please note, you would not be able to use any super secret items on your OnlyFans until the item is live :slight_smile:


@Bella_1 Your reviews are really good! Definitely ready to volunteer for items.

One thing I would suggest, is that you really only reviewed Lingerie, which means you might struggle to get selected for any other type of item. If you are interested in reviewing other items, writing reviews for other categories will help :slight_smile:

@Lovehoney_Brenna we would like to hear what we can do to improve.

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