Circumcised or uncircumcised which is preferred?

Hi everyone I was wondering what people think on this subject, for many fors and against with this procedure, personal I am uncircumcised and more care in hygiene is required but supposedly it gives the lady greater pleasure, well at least I had few complaints so far lol.


As a woman, I really don’t care :person_shrugging:


I like either it’s no game changer in my opinion.


I was snipped as a teenager for medical reasons, can’t remember having a f/s but never had any complaints :tongue:


Unfortunately I was cut at a very young age I believe due to medical reasons, never thought to ask mum or dad. I cannot turn time back so you have to accept what I have.


Also female and i like both. A penis can be pretty whether it has a fore skin or not in all honesty :woman_shrugging:


Hubby was circumcised when he was 6/7 years old due to medical reasons. And definitely no complaints from me :smirk:


With my first cut guy at the moment and love it! But I wouldn’t have a preference


I was cut at the age of 16 due to medical reasons was a strange time of life to have it done but hey ho needs must and all that !

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I’m uncircumcised but, on a purely personal note, my chastity cages would fit a lot better if I was. On balance though I’m quite happy as I am.


I’m uncircumcised too and It defo gives more pleasure senses for us guys but I also do have a weird liking for circumcised men although it wouldn’t bother me either way


I have had experience with both. Although maybe 80% of them have been circumcised.

I personally don’t mind as long as they keep it clean :joy:


Must always be clean. Hope you are well and studying hard. Will soon be Easter and a holiday. @Sophie01


Heya. Yeah uni has been alot lately so haven’t been as active on the forum. Don’t have long left now until Easter where I can take a much needed break. x

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Love my husbands circumcised Penis it has never gave me any reason to complain :grin:


Having see this topic raised so many times online here’s my 2p. As a man, if you’re cut (especially if done as a child) you’ll state you’re happy and spout all manner of perceived health benefits, even if it was done purely for cultural or religious reasons. If you’re uncut you’ll say you’re happy, are perfectly capable of maintaining hygiene and that there are sensitivity/protection benefits to owning a foreskin.

Rarely will anyone say they’re unhappy with their lot.

Women will either say it doesn’t matter as long as cleanliness is maintained, or will again regurgitate the alleged health benefits they’ve been sold for circumcision.

The one aspect of the subject that grinds my gears is the complete lack of any say that a man circumcised as a baby or young child has on the procedure taking place. If it’s done for medical necessity then that’s all good. But if for nothing more than ‘cosmetic’ reasons then it’s no different to any other kind of genital mutilation and borderline child abuse. In days gone by when access to clean water was non-existent then there was a potential argument for hygiene purposes. I say ‘potential’ because as far as I’m aware (having seen a fair few in my life) female genitalia also has skin folds, sometimes quite prominent, which will appear later in life - yet nobody has ever suggested their removal en masse the same way they do with foreskins using ‘cleanliness’ as justification.

I also struggle with any religious argument, given that most religions claim that ‘god’ created man in his own image - in which case is it not a tad rude to lop off a bit of skin that your perceived creator put there? If foreskins weren’t meant to be there then surely ‘god’ (or evolution) would have removed them by now?

Sorry if it seems I’ve jumped on a soapbox with this. But it’s one of those subjects that seriously grinds my gears every time I see it.


Dick is dick.

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I so agree with you. Cutting bits off anyone, before they can consent, for anything other than medical necessity is abusive. In many countries female circumcision is just down right barbaric and done when the girls are older, around 5.

As far as I am aware all my lovers have been uncircumcised.


I am uncircumcised, though my foreskin seems to spend the majority of the time behind the head of my penis giving the circumcised look.

It is only through masturbation or a hand job by the OH does my foreskin cover the head of my penis.

I am not sure that with the head constantly in contact with clothing, whether over time it desensitises it, versus a penis where the head of the penis is covered by the foreskin.

The OH has never expressed a preference.

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I’m unsure really, I believe I am circumcised but like @DLJL my foreskin does now cover the head as I am getting older (very old). Never really thought about it or had any complaints