Couples who watch porn?

There is nothing wrong with watching porn as a couple. We do it and discuss the action and what turns us in. We have found that it opens up some different avenues of sex practices for us to explore. We discovered pegging when I told my husband that I really wanted to do it to him. Watching porn brings us closer as we share the experience. It also is such a turn on and a prelude to sex.


I dont really watch porn and neither does hubby (well so he says) it doesn’t really interest us but if either if us wanted to watch it we would be happy for the other to. Dont get me wrong, I have watched porn but it just doesn’t do much for me. I would be happy to watch with him if he wanted me to I suppose. Its just not something I choose to do.

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We found that too, watching some videos together helped open up some conversations as well as solid tips from experienced performers.

We don’t watch a lot of porn together as we can run into the Netflix problem of spending ages searching for the right thing. When we do it’s usually to get things started until we ignore the screen action and focus on our own. Like a few people here we have different porn preferences so agreeing what to watch can be tricky (the open trap of “I don’t care, you choose”).


The wife will watch Porn together :slight_smile: but it has to have a kinda story line or she just gets bored but she has to also be in the mood :slightly_frowning_face:

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Partner and I used to watch porn together while we played, but then it stopped for a long time as our sex life diminished. Now that we are reinvesting in sex and having fun, we will probably watch porn together if I can be bothered with all the hookup.
I watch it alone and find most of it boring when it just consists of pumping. I wish I could create my own movies. Instead I have been writing more erotic fiction for myself, then I just visualize the script when I masturbate.


We have watched porn together during foreplay and leave it playing during sex. Definitely adds some spice to our sex life and leads to great sex

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We watch together and It almost certainly leads to sex, or masturbation, find all the high budget fake crap annoying though and takes me ages to find something decent ie amateur or home video stuff

We don’t really watch together anymore. I have no idea how often he watches on his own but I watch at least 4 times a week.

I like amatuer British stuff. I actually love the really cheesy porn with funny dialogue about plumbers or milkmen :joy:
I’m probably a bit too fussy about my porn viewing hence that’s why I watch alone… we could never agree on a video. Sometimes I spend more time searching than watching!

It has to have at least a bit of a plot and I like to hear the men making a lot of noise.

Sometimes I just watch videos of men wanking in unusual places such as building sites or some other workplace.


This is sooooo true! I could spend hours finding that one good video :rofl::rofl:


If I find a really good one I’ll watch it several times over the week :blush:

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Definitely. I normally bookmark it and watch it several times or even remember the title so I can search for it.


We’ve watched porn together numerous times, usually on drunken nights and having fun


We watch porn together quite often, my wife loves to see what turns me on. She basically watches the same as me. She also get some idea’s what she can do to me. So I am happy


We watch porn sometimes together, most times if we are away for a dirty weekend
My wife normally says why don’t they look like their enjoying it , it’s just all noises
We did watch the lovers guide and karmasutra years ago, that was our porn of the day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Or you’d have to stay up until 12 midnight to get a 5 minute preview of some porn channel and have to masturbate quick but they’d cut off before the good bit lol

I generally watch it alone as I tend to masturbate more than my wife

Nowadays it’s so easy to watch whatever you want to get yourself off​:sweat_drops:

Although we have a few of our own videos we do watch occasionally


We enjoy watching it together from time to time it takes us a while to find onne we both like though as i love the real amuture stuff and she likes a feature length one with the funny storylines


@Hubby.and.Wife good ol pre internet days, i spent many a night up late to watxhh sexetera or even worse eurotrash lol :joy: :joy:


OGM I forgot about Eurotrash

The old dial up internet, when it took ages to load just a porn picture

And porn videos on the top shelf in the video shop

The good old days lol

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Doea anybody still buy dvds and if could anyone recommend somewhere to buy them from

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I watch a lot of porn, mostly extreme anal, gay or straight.
Thought my OH got her kicks from reading erotic novels till recently when I borrowed he Ipad to look up something and when going back through the history to find it I was pleasantly surprised it was full of porn, some straight but most lesbian porn, night after night for as long as the history went back, she’s literally more addicted than me and her preference is definitely lesbian porn. Funnily enough when we got together she said she was bi/curious, started to say recently that’s not the case anymore although I didn’t believe her and I think her search history confirms what I knew all along. XxX

We quite enjoy “Aged love” as it is porn stars but ordinary looking mature people.
Also George and Missy for a very earthy aspect.