Covid sex

Just a quick question, who has knowingly had covid?? Had anyone suffered or is suffering from long covid, and if so how is this effecting you in the bedroom department let along life. If you are suffering much love from me.

Haven’t had covid but both step daughters have, no effects from meee

A family friend had covid last May and she hasn’t been right since. She had no lung issues prio to covid. She got covid and then suddenly developed COPD right after getting over the virus.

She’s now on multiple inhalers to help her breathe and meds and she’s never smoked and lives in the country side and isn’t exposed to fumes from cars etc.

Definitely not a coincidence.

I believe I may of had it months before it was even acknowledge, two Christmases ago but other than that nope nothing and no effects

I suspect I had it in feb 2020 as I was so poorly and for a long time. Following this I’ve struggled with dizziness, fatigue, tremors in my face and I was sent for multiple ct scans and such like (including bone marrow biopsies to check for leukemia!!) needless to say it looks like long covid.

I am now on b12 and iron tablets daily and still suffer with extreme vertigo and a sensation of feeling dizzy and faint. This does affect me in the bedroom department when I move suddenly - I have been known to feel quite dizzy!

I’ve had covid and I don’t think that it impacted my sex life as much as the overall mental health. It really does something to you that is hard to describe, you feel really depressed, sleep bad and need to start breathing harder. Sex is one way to get you out of that ditch and make going through all that easier.

Had it and both vaccinations and no probs in the bedroom at all

I think i possibly had some version of it in the dec before it was announced. Was ill for ages with a weird virus that affected my breathing. Took me forever to get over it, had a perpetual shortness of breath on and off for months after. Still have a cough in the mornings sometime even now

I was double vaccinated and caught it. I am now easily tired and have trouble with my asthma more often. I’m feeling lucky though, it could have been so much worse. No problems in the bedroom.

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  • Exhausted. All. The. Time. Which, as you can imagine has meant my sex drive has dropped
  • Shortness of breath upon even walkinh
  • cough
  • no taste/cant stand certain tastes that i used to love
  • headache, brain fog, confusion, short-term memory loss
  • anxiety
  • lack of concentration

Can you catch covid from blow jobs?
Dude I was with last week now has covid … and yes I did
still unvaccinated here
The only one in my office unvaccinated and the only one in my office not to have caught covid
the science ???

no vaccination, no covid
cum tastes great!

Anecdotes don’t equal facts :wink:

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Sorry to hear you’re struggling @Cali_Nyx. It sounds very much like post viral syndrome / ME / Chronic fatigue syndrome which I’ve had for many years but am now recovering from. I hope you start to feel better soon. How long have you been feeling bad for? Take it easy and don’t push yourself. Prioritise the things that are important to you if you have limited energy and nag your doctors to get referred to a specialist if you don’t get better. :hugs:

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Since about October. Then my dad died and now my gradad is dying + recovery from sterilisation + whistle blowing case at work. And supporting my brother throigh genetic testing for the same disease my dad died of and financially supporting my sister plus my own private therapy for childhood abuse.

All in all, it’s been a rubbish few months and the GP that I got on well with has left the surgery. Even just getting an appointment is near impossible :upside_down_face: :unamused:

Thanks though @Kitty-Cat01


That’s a horrible set of things to be going through. I’m really sorry and hope that some of them will ease for you soon.


Damn. Typing it out like that is quite depressing. Sorry everyone :pensive:

Please don’t apologise!

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Im also very lucky in other ways. I have a great auntie and friends. My dad gave me love I’ve never experienced before. I have a roof over my head and job (until September at least).

Oh and Bella. My little fluffy, meow-box Bella.

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Good. You’re doing well seeing the positives in amongst all the mess.

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