Covid sex

That’s been a really rough time for you :disappointed: All of those things are likely to be affecting your energy levels too.

What a good description of a cat! They are very loving and therapeutic, always there for a cuddle when you need one (and when you don’t!)


Yea, been a bit awks when she is stepping on my stitches and I’m screaming yowchie pains and scaring her :pensive:

I had covid quite recently, It lasted two weeks and I was testing positive or the duration. Biggest problem for me was exhaustion. I was absolutely worn out after doing next to nothing. Even just making a cup of tea resulted in me having to lie down.

Other than that, it was almost like having a cold, but with a bit of brain fog. I found it difficult to concentrate on anything and I didn’t have any enthusiasm for sex. I managed to masturbate a couple of times at the beginning of the illness. (I read that sexual activities can help in the releasing things like endorphins which can have a powerful effect against the virus. :thinking: Probably nonsense.)

Orgasms were milder, though still enjoyable. I totally lost my sex drive once I was three or four days into having the virus.

I lost my sense of smell and taste a couple of days before coming down with this. I should have known that this was an early indication but never gave it a second thought. These recovered once I first tested positive, then went again a couple of days later for the remainder.

I found I had to give into the virus. If I tried to carry on as if I wasn’t ill, it just got worse. I think you really have to accept defeat with this virus if you get it bad. We were all the same in our household. Not as bad as full-blown flu though.

I had it a few weeks ago but think i had a milder form of it(felt like a basic flu). Mostly just slept a few days and took about 10 days to recover.
Do still feel exhausted lately but not sure if its related