DDD impacting sex

Hello I am in my mid 30s and suffer with bad lower back pain.

I have recently had a MRI and have been diagnosed with DDD.

DDD is Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease where my lower discs have worn away.

The joint pain the doctors have said is early on set arthritis and to deal with it.

Hard impact like running makes it worse.

Sex can be painful especially if I am on top.

Does anyone else suffer with DDD.

What excise do you do to help.

Any tips on mangering the symptoms?

Thank you for your help.

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Sorry to hear that @Jay131 :persevere: I’m definitely no expert, but I deal with joint pain, so I’ll share what has helped me. I’ve found it’s helpful to avoid positions that will put a lot of weight or stress on those joints or modify the positions to be more comfortable, also making sure not to stay in one position too long. The positions of the week thread has tons of different positions if you’re looking to try something new that might not hurt. Some of the sex furniture & position enhancers could help you with positions that might be difficult to do otherwise. I’ve had the Liberator Wedge on my list for a while, and might be getting it today as it’s the last day that it’s 20% off :+1:

For managing symptoms, I try to minimize how much stress I put myself under and try to keep exercising regularly. I’ve noticed I have more flare ups when I’m stressed about something. Days with a lot of pain, I might just take a long walk or do some stretches. If a form of exercise that you were used to or that you liked doing is too hard on you now (like running), try to find a different activity that is less painful. If you do some physical therapy, they can help you identify which muscles to strengthen to put less stress on those joints and would probably be able to recommend a sport or activity you could start doing. Make sure you have a doctor you feel comfortable asking questions (ask sex related questions too) and talking to that listens to you when you talk about your symptoms. I had several doctors that made me feel like an idiot when I’d tell them how I felt or ask questions. Hope you can find a good way to manage the pain :yellow_heart:

Also wanted to throw in this link in case people don’t know what Degenerative Disc Disease is. It also lists treatment and has some general self care tips.


Highly recommend Pilates and if I could go swimming more then I definitely would. It makes a huge difference.
I have to be extremely aware of everyday activities and in a flare (Oestoarthritis) I depend on rest,co codomol and a hot water bottle.
Go online and have a really good read of self help and guidance.
I have a very active lifestyle and have been advised to keep going- which I most definitely have but it’s so hard when I’m in a flare.
Plenty of different positions you can try- ones which offer support are the best :blush:

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I don’t have DDD but I have a curved spine at the bottom and I find specific positions cause pain.

I manage my issue with exercise (doesn’t have to be intense exercise) as my doctor said sitting around too much can make you seize up, choosing sex positions that are easy on my back and just taking pain meds and allowing myself to rest in between.