Delightful Dates - review this 100 days book!

Hey All,

I’ve got my paws on some new 100 Dates Scratch Bucket List Books that are in need of reviews! Normal One Month deadline for these ones.

If this looks like something you would like to review, then comment down below!

Status: :lh_heart_purple: Regular Deadline: :green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide



Would love to review this for you.

Thank you xx

Oooh, Yes, yes, yes please!

Would LOVE to review the 100 Dates Scratch Bucket List Book!

Fingers crossed!


:thinking: we’d be happy to review…… around a third of the book in the month :joy:

Jokes aside we would be interested In reviewing the 100 Dates Scratch Bucket List Book
And the month isn’t an issue :grin:

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Ok but with only one month I can only review 30% :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna

Happy to test 100 Dates Scratch Bucket List Book 9

Thanks :blush:

Would love to review this :smiley:

We’d love to review this @Lovehoney_Brenna


Hi Brenna,

Would love to review these. Especially as it’s my wife’s birthday coming up soon :blush:

Much love x

I would like to review it :smiley:

I love this!! Would love to test and review :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We have been looking at these types of books but from a different company so to see Lovehoney doing one is great and we would love to review it.

100 Dates Scratch Bucket List Book

Yes please Brenna,

We had the old poster that was the same as this and it was amazing, so we will be able to compare this to the bigger version, but this seems a great update.


Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna,

I would love to review this for you. 100 dates to make memories with your other half amazing.

Thank you :grin:

Good afternoon Brenna - we would love to try the 100 dates book and provide an honest feedback

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna , we’d love to review this , please

I’d love to review this book for you. Sounds fun!

Would love to review this

Yes please it would be great to try …variety is the spuce of life :rofl:

Ooh I’ve been looking for something just like this to help us connect again. I don’t know if this is closed but id love to be considered :heart_eyes: