Desire Olympics is Back! - Bullet vs G-Kiss

Hey All,

The Desire Olympics is back (and I’m attempting to use the fancy new features)!

Today we are pitting the bullet against the G-Kiss!

  • Bullet
  • G-Kiss
0 voters

Not sure what the Desire Olympics is? Check out this thread:

Remember, if you win the final competition you can only pick your prize from the products you voted for.


I’m still very much #TeamBullet for the win. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Bullets for everyone ^^

I have not tried the G-kiss and it does look amazing, but you cannot go wrong with the versatility of the trusty bullet.

The kiss looks very interesting, will give it our vote

G- kiss for sure that look so tempting

I like that the bullet comes with a case and has a magnetic charger, but the G-kiss wins this round for me! I love g-spot stimulation and the butterfly looks promising. :wink:


Also wanted to add love the new voting poll feature :slight_smile: :smiley:

I have to honestly say I’ve not used either item but I am fascinated with the look of the G-Kiss x

I have a g kiss (not as good as this one) & I love it so i had to go with it although the bullets I have are also very good. G Kiss for me :+1:

It’s a big kiss from me for the G-Kiss!

Ooh G kiss for our vote!

Never go wrong with the bullet!

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The G-Kiss looks intriguing so have to go for that!

I’m voting for the bullet. By the way, are we supposed to comment and vote or is it just one or the other? I’ve done both to be on the safe side! :smiley:

G Kiss gets my vote just for how intriguing it looks!

G Kiss this round

You just need to vote on the poll, but I think the bullet could do with your encouragement right now :sob:

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