Do penis pumps really work?

Do penis pumps really work at increasing the size of a penis ?


No personal experience I’m afraid, but whenever the question arises I throw in a link to @ToysRusDevon 's topic My bathmate has arrived! And I’m gonna do a progression blog. Really informative account of his and other forum member’s experience with them.


Also, tap in penis pump in the search bar for lots on conversations on this.
We only had this chat last week, so not to repeat the same info, have a look at the last few threads on this.

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If you’re looking for a permanent size increase then you’re going to be disappointed.

They can temporarily produce a bigger harder erection than normal and if you can get a cock ring on quick enough you may keep that erection temporarily but that’s the best case scenario.


Extended use can give you a fatter shaft as water is retained, looks and feels a bit “puffy” this lasts longer than the errection but goes away after a few hours can look scary at first but no wont make you bigger

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If kept up they can increase size and thickness but you have to keep a practical mind in that if you stop using it then your more likely to go back to original size again…


No practical experience, but I would think that any increase in girth or length would be temporary, would assume that it would be similar to a pussy pump, temporary enlargement but nothing permanent.


As stated in above mentioned thread by @Bonzo2020, might want to check subreddits for picture proof of timelines and “permanent,” growth. With maintenance usage to keep the growth and keep the increases, and increase those as well

It takes dedication that I don’t have but there is a huge subreddit community list dedicated to this pursuit that show pictures with measured cylindrical changes over x period of time. Some of them are…not small changes. And are permanently lasting when incorporated with other stretching methods like spring tension, spring extension, static tension, weights, and specialized massage techniques like Jelquing/Jilking.

I can say, and have done, the exact process mentioned in italics but with ball stretching instead, and they have resulted in increasing permanent testicle size with or without “maintenance.” There is a small amount of that process that is suggested to be done with pumping but I don’t have the patience for that part. The rest of it is working (with the least important being pumping, which I’ve excluded from my growth gains process). Which does lead me to believe pumping would have an actual measurable lasting permanent effect, though it would be the smallest contributor, requiring the most dedication and time to see the “permanent,” gains. At least from my experience with ball stretching and testicular size increase that is permanent that I can personally verify.

For penis pumping proofs, those are on subreddits. While I do believe they are accurate and true. Well, just like with testicular size increases, I would venture a guess and say that penis pumping is the least important gains part of that italicized process for permanent penile growth.

Realistically speaking, anything subjected to stress at a cellular level will result in permanent growth, as in cellular multiplication and or “bigger,” as a result. This is true of; Bone, muscle, erectile, ligament, spermatic tubing, skin, etc. It’s the comprehension of the different types and forms of cellular stress, and their resulting effects, on the tissue types, that determine the result that is important to focus on to see permanent gains in any regard.

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As mentioned above, check out my progress log I did for my bathmate, I definitely did see results, and quite noticeable too, but it is a chore keeping it up, I’d say they are worth buying if you want a bit of an ego boost