Erotic Audio


Hmmm Dougray Scott could read erotica to me anytime - a rough Scot voice sure is sexy ;)

I don't go in for audio usually though, I read a lot and just haven't been able to bring myself to listen to audio books although I've thoroughly embraced ebooks (including steamy ones.... pwhoaar!).

I had a search for some Erotic Audio a while ago and found it hard going. has a few but they're not easy to find and if you're looking for anything specific I'm guessing you'll struggle. There's a whole host of amateur stuff out there but you hardly want someone with the voice of Jo Brand reading it to you, it just doesn't work. There are also a number of podcasts but i'm yet to find any that are any good.

Haha once I was particularly devious/horny and downloaded some Literotica audio stories to listen to through my phone's speakers while I was in the bath! None of that soggy paper or page turning business for me!

Glad to see the speakers didn't fall into the bath Jake, but take it you had them half a mile or so away knocking the plaster off your neighbour's walls uh!!!

Tallboy has downloadable audio stories... one of mine should be on there soon when they've got it recorded, not that I'm blowing my own trumpet or anything ;)

Ive just stumbled across this site with some free erotic audio stories too