Eunuch what people think about it?

thoughts on eunuchs wondering what this group thinks about a gender not spoken about much if at all


I don’t really have any thoughts on eunuchs as a whole. If I met someone who was castrated then of course I would be curious why but it wouldn’t be attracted to someone just because they were castrated.


Would you like to elaborate?


That comment was for Lumberjack, seems like someone fishing for some perv material :roll_eyes:


Not at all I am just interested in others opinions. I am not looking for pervy comments honestly. Just finding out what people think


What do you think about the subject of eunuchs?

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I think everyone deserves to be comfortable in there own body’s and if they are a eunuch whether it be as a result of cancer or other reasons is ok. The reason I am asking the question is because there is no information on the web as to how women would react to a eunuch and this is such a supportive group I thought I would ask as a conversation to get people thinking as we talk about all other sexuality except eunuchs


You are not supposed to aim questions at a specific gender. See the rules.


Yes agreed.
Please keep your topics open to everyone.


I flagged it this morning due to that reason, and thought it was strange that no editing had been considering it was part of the rules.


So sorry I didn’t read the rules but I have changed my question now


Interesting… never heard of this Eunuch thing before and not sure how you’d go about pronouncing it either :sweat_smile:

Do tell me more about what this is?

Does removing your testicles either by accident (injury), illness (ex. cancer), through force (slavery which is still common in some countries especially where men look after women) or through purposeful removal, I’m not sure it constitutes a different “gender”.

I suppose it could be a step to becoming someone different, however, I could be wrong but most transgendered M to W seem to keep their testicles for some reason or another.

I don’t know a bunch about it and could be ignorant so my apologies. New to me as well.


Pronounced, “You Nick”.

In history, it was fairly common for servants or slaves to be castrated to make them less threatening to the courts they served. Similarly in cultures with harems their servants were often eunuchs.

In modern times, I’d like to think the only reason for doing it non voluntarily would be for medical reasons like testicular cancer. As long as done post puberty I don’t think it in any way alters a man’s gender though. I don’t think beyond a lack of fertility it has much influence on the man. Maybe reduced testosterone would result in a lower sex drive to previously? It shouldn’t affect his ability to have erections and sex though. I don’t think in a partner I would view it any differently to a woman who’s had a mastectomy.

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It is a bilateral orchidectomy done mostly for testicular cancer or sometimes prostate cancer when the patient cannot take hormone blockers. But it can also be for Male to female sex change. There are however some men that want to be castrated for the reason they don’t like having ball so they get them removed and that is what a modern day eunuch is and I am interested in what potential partners would feel about having a partner that is a eunuch


Thank you for the peoples who have responded I very much appreciate it

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I’m sure it would change the sound of sex… :rofl:

I would really just want to know how it would affect me. If there would be no effect then it wouldn’t be an issue. This is if I hadn’t been in a relationship with them at the time of course.
It doesn’t change their gender.
I’ve had a hysterectomy, I’m still a cis woman.


Yep no slapping sound :joy: :joy:

It wouldn’t change anything for the partner if they took testosterone replacement therapy. And you could be sure they wouldn’t make you pregnant :joy:. Unfortunately it is impossible to get the surgery in the uk if you are not doing it to transition M to F.