Feeling destroyed

I've come on here to share a personal experience I've encountered.

I totally lack all self confidence and tell myself too many times that no woman would want to look at me twice.

Walking down the street tonight I had two lads cycle past me, who took great delight in shouting at me, calling me a "FAT B****RD".

It's just made me feel all the more worse and actually, looking at my BMI I'm only 2 and a half stones over weight...

I see women of all shapes and sizes and don't think twice about their weight. If I like them, I like them.

I just wish that I could feel the same way about myself.

I'm so sorry to hear about your horrid experience. Please don't let them get into your head and dout yourself. We are who we are and the people who matter won't judge. Unfortunately people will use anything they can think of to insult another person and to be honest their insult dosent even have to be valid they will just spout whatever rubbish they can to get their kicks.
I'm a plus size girl and I'm starting to love myself after years of being told that being an 18 was wronge. As long as your morals are right and you treat people well then that's being the best you you can be and you should hold your head high.

Please don't let them lower your confidence in yourself ( easyer said than done I know ) xx

Thanks for the kind words. I'm told so many times that I'm "too nice" and will always put others before myself. I just can't help it. I'm also told that I deserve someone special. I probably do, but it knocks you a bit and makes you question why I've been single for some time.

I'm sorry that happened to you. We all have our particular sore points for want of a better phrase and even if we can usually laugh it of or rationalise hurtful comments sometimes they catch us unawares and I know how much that stings. What is a moment's banter/laugh to them and quickly forgotten can stay with you for a long time can't it and that's really unfair. Obviously they have nothing good in their lives if they have nothing better to do than pay attention to other people's appearance. Clearly you have a lot to offer that you see beyond the physical to the person inside. Self asteem is so difficult, I am also currently around 2 stone heavier than I would like but at only 4ft 7 I really feel the extra and I know my general health is beginning to suffer too (aches and pains lol!) Wish I had more useful advise, people can be such idiots.

What a world when it can be said that someone is " to nice " . It's a shame that some people are not nicer rather than the nice people being called to nice . If that makes sense.

Don't let two random stranger make you question yourself. Have confidence and hopefuly things will work out x

Firstly I'm saddened to here of your experience that you've encountered with the two little scrotes.

Secondly the BMI is bull poop.In realistic terms your probably a stone over weight.If we all got to what the BMI chart states what we should be we'd all look like bloody golf clubs.

Thirdly be proud of who and what you are.We are all creations of mother nature.We are all special and unique and quite rightly all different.It wouldn't be good if we were all the same now would it.

Last but not least.Chin up smile stand tall and be proud.

Thank you for your support. I've come on here to talk about it as I see and read how the community offer such good advice and support.

My last two exes cheated on me - and no word of a lie - BOTH said I was "too nice". So how do you exactly take that?

I know that I don't have it in me to be evil and nasty so I'm certainly not going to change over night just to please their odd view point.

It has hurt and will play on my mind for some time.

Hiya Latex lover, firstly those two lads are pricks. If they have nothing better to do than cycle round and shout insults at people then they must lead a very unsatisfying life.

I am like you according to the scales i am 2/3 stone overweight and i have started to get the dreaded dad belly. I am not at the stage that i feel so uncomfortable that i am actively go out and push myself to hard to loose weight.

I think social media and media in general portray popular and beautiful people as being slim and toned but truth is some of the most beautiful and wonderful people i have met are the ones that are comfortable with who they are and how they look being slim or curvy.

F%#k those that judge people on looks alone amd feel they have the right to negatively comment on their appearance.

Be proud of who you are. We are all beautiful in our own way.

You're very very right. I know so many women who I find attractive just by their nature, how they are in person and as I've said, they are all shapes and sizes.

I only hope that those boys don't go and do it to other people. I know exactly how I feel and perhaps they need to get a life and educate themselves a bit.

latex_lover wrote:

I've come on here to share a personal experience I've encountered.

I totally lack all self confidence and tell myself too many times that no woman would want to look at me twice.

Walking down the street tonight I had two lads cycle past me, who took great delight in shouting at me, calling me a "FAT B****RD".

It's just made me feel all the more worse and actually, looking at my BMI I'm only 2 and a half stones over weight...

I see women of all shapes and sizes and don't think twice about their weight. If I like them, I like them.

I just wish that I could feel the same way about myself.

I know this sounds arse about face but I pity those kids. Their parents must be real charmers and they’re probably not going to contribute much in life unless they actively try to change. If they can’t theyll be little clones of their parents and the cycle just continues until someone takes umbridge and knocks the attitude out of them.

I will say though.. working with kids you realise how brilliant they can be but also how absolutely horrible they can be to others.

Its not you LL, it’s them. As for the girlfriends, just sound like a couple of girls scared of committing, getting in too deep, hedging their bets and breaking your heart in the process. You’ll find girls & boys all over the world like this. Doesn’t make it ok but it does explain what’s going on...Keep your chin up mate. You’ll be looking down on them in the end when you know you’re true to yourself.

Thank you Mr Pheebs. I work with kids too and have inspired so many students on their musical journey. I only hope the cycle stops and the kids that shouted at me grow up!

That's such a horrible thing to happen LL. 2 1/2 stone isn't that much overweight (even if you accept the BMI thing - which i don't).

As for being too nice, my husband was accused of that one several times. In my opinion, he's lovely, bur he isn't too nice. He took the view that meant they wanted to do stuff he wouldn't. Things like row, cheating on each other, that sort of thing. He took the view that he had a lucky escape and he needed to find someone who appreciates his niceness (and luckily for me, that was me!)

He had a nightmare trying to find the right woman. Spent years doing it, and had quite low confidence a lot of the time. He was really hurt by some of the women he encountered, and would have been even more so if he didn't have such a thick skin.

Take care and don't try to change who you really are.

I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure that, just know that it’s their problem not yours. I’ve been cheated on twice and both times told I was too nice- apparently it made them uneasy that they couldn’t be what I deserved- bullsh*t if you ask me. People look for excuses so they can palm responsibility and justify their actions, it’s a sad world.
Being nice is the most attractive trait, I’m engaged to my best friend in the world- he is the most lovely, respectful man I’ve ever encountered and he was always friendzoned for those exact reasons until I came along, it takes meeting the right woman not changing yourself. Weight can change fairly easily, being a judgemental b*stard not so much!
When you meet the right woman she’ll love every inch of you and appreciate your good nature more than you’ll know, don’t let the haters ruin that for you 😘

SoontobeMrs wrote:

I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure that, just know that it’s their problem not yours. I’ve been cheated on twice and both times told I was too nice- apparently it made them uneasy that they couldn’t be what I deserved- bullsh*t if you ask me. People look for excuses so they can palm responsibility and justify their actions, it’s a sad world.
Being nice is the most attractive trait, I’m engaged to my best friend in the world- he is the most lovely, respectful man I’ve ever encountered and he was always friendzoned for those exact reasons until I came along, it takes meeting the right woman not changing yourself. Weight can change fairly easily, being a judgemental b*stard not so much!
When you meet the right woman she’ll love every inch of you and appreciate your good nature more than you’ll know, don’t let the haters ruin that for you 😘

You've had the "two nice" sh**e too have you? Yeah, it's crap if you ask me. Makes up for them being so cowardly to finish it properly. Anyway.... Thanks for your support - all of you of course - and Soontobe you are right - hopefully someone will come along and like my "too nice" nature!

Justthe2ofus2007 wrote:

LL so sorry this happened to you.
Don’t let them get to you. Sadly kids and adults can be cruel. You sound like you ve got a lot of love to give. The right woman will come along before you know it.

I'm trying not to let it eat me up, but it does keep playing on my mind...it's warm where I am today but I've worn an extra baggy shirt and a coat...

I've been told by a close female friend that I have great legs, bum and very handsome... I admit it's poor a smile on my face! 😊

I have and honestly I’m glad now that they weren’t who I settled down with; looking back it would never have worked out as they’re just not the type of guys that can take anything seriously long term! Your soulmate will be so worth the wait believe me and she’ll count her lucky stars that you’re the man you are 😊

Bless you Soontobe and Justthe2, it's all very kind and warming.

(Your cheques are in the post! 😂😂😉)

Haha 😂 just honesty love!

This makes me.so sad 1st off only people who are unhappy in their life or themself will put others down. Even a child.
Please don't let that comment bother you.

We are all beautiful, no matter size shape or colour.

We are all unique made by no mould so where we see imperfections others see perfection.

As for the women side. I'm a true believer everyone is matched and you will find your true love.

You are worth anyone's time and love please don't think otherwise.

I really wish you all the luck in the world to help you over come theos nasty and unnecessary comments. Keep that beautiful chin held high and next time someone suffering low self-esteem tries to rain on your parade flip them the bird smile and walk on by
